Are the Voter Rolls in Illinois Clean or Dirty?
Written by Nancy Hayes
In 2020, Judicial Watch with the support of Attorney David Shestokas, filed a lawsuit on behalf of Illinois Conservative Union against the State of Illinois, the Illinois State Board of Elections and its Director for failing to allow public access to its voter roll data in violation of the federal National Voter Registration Act of 1993 (NVRA). The lawsuit was filed in the United States District Court in the Northern District of Illinois (Illinois Conservative Union et al v. Illinois et al. [No. 1:20-cv-05542]).
In this interview with Public Affairs show host, Jeff Berkowitz interviews attorney David Shestokas and discusses the election irregularities, along with the 800,000 inactive voters on the Illinois voter rolls and the urgent need for more citizens to take back the responsibilities of overseeing our elections.
Dirty rolls mean dirty elections. 800,000 inactive voters on our lists opens the door in Illinois for greater opportunity for election fraud. If we want to return to fair and honest elections, it’s time for more citizens to step up and get more involved in their precincts or neighborhoods.
Watch this great interview! Learn more about our elections and the National Voter Registration Act (NVRA) and then get involved with local grassroots organizations!