Pride Month Begins Its Rampage Against Children

Written by Brian Wencel

The next generation of culture warriors hope to make a difference and they are an answer to our prayers. We hope to encourage and mentor these young contributors so they can take the baton from us in the future. God’s gift of liberty and self-government must be fought for and protected. The fundamental principles of faith, virtue, marriage and family must be upheld and taught. Please pray for these bold young culture warriors and extend to them some grace as they hone their skills.
The next generation of culture warriors hope to make a difference and they are an answer to our prayers. We hope to encourage and mentor these young contributors so they can take the baton from us in the future. God’s gift of liberty and self-government must be fought for and protected. The fundamental principles of faith, virtue, marriage and family must be upheld and taught. Please pray for these bold young culture warriors and extend to them some grace as they hone their skills.

With June 1st marking the start of Pride month, numerous woke corporations and government institutions wasted no time in raising pride flags and rolling out social media profile pictures to match the occasion.

However, many companies are beginning to think twice before pledging their allegiance to the LGBTQ lobby.

After Bud Light and Target suffered significant losses from boycotts for pushing gender ideology nonsense, many companies seem to be a bit more cautious and hesitant, and rightly so.

Even those beyond the Christian-conservative bloc are finally starting to wake up and withhold their financial support from companies that cater to a fraction of the population at the expense of everyone else.

However, while some strides have been made against woke corporations, threats remain, and these may be even more damaging, especially for children.

The places we need to be on the lookout for are the ones that don’t have much to lose, such as government-owned taxpayer-funded spaces like libraries, parks, etc. They have nothing to worry about when it comes to promoting LGBTQ propaganda. In recent years, many eyes were opened when public libraries began hosting “drag queen story hours” for young children, and this trend shows no signs of stopping.

Libraries are often run by leftist extremists who know they can probably get away with it. They don’t need to worry about people boycotting or protesting them since they are financed by the government. At this point, some of the biggest proponents of the LGBTQ cult are in our government, so there’s no risk of them withdrawing their support.

An upcoming pride event aimed at children that’s generated a lot of buzz will take place at the Washington D.C. public library. They are hosting a pride parade where children are not only welcome (which would be bad enough) but that is entirely for children.

One of the flyers promoting the parade invites “all kids ages 0-18” to the parade. The entire concept of hosting a parade for peoples’ sexual proclivities is odd, to say the least, but to take this idea and gear it toward children?

That is not just “odd” or “weird,” it is downright twisted and evil.

How is a three-year-old supposed to be a part of the LGBTQ community? Why do toddlers need to be introduced to all the available sexual preferences? Obviously, the point is to familiarize and indoctrinate children into joining the LGBTQ alphabet soup (or at the very least, become an “ally”) when they are older.

They are grooming these kids to be future LGBTQ extremists because they know that the best time to reach them is when they are young.

Little kids believe in Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny, and fairies, so to get them to believe this nonsense about gender and that no form of sexual expression is off limits shouldn’t be too hard. They are implanting their wickedness in children’s minds at the most impressionable stages.

After reading about the Washington D.C. children’s pride parade, I decided to see if any cities in Illinois were doing this. With just one Google search, I found several drag queen story times, a “pride crafts” event at a Chicago Public Library, and even a “pride party and story time” in Evanston.

Aimed entirely at children, I also found advertised a “Pride month guide for families.” The number of LGBTQ events where children are the intended targets would be far too long to list, so I’ll just stick to some of the more egregious examples.

One book that is recommended in the family pride guide is entitled Pride: The Story of Harvey Milk and the Rainbow Flag, by Rob Sanders. I was shocked when I saw this recommendation since Harvey Milk began a relationship with a sixteen-year-old when he was in his thirties.

In the past, known pedophiles were excluded from being celebrated, especially with a picture book for children, but not anymore. Remember, no form of sex, no matter how perverse, is off-limits to these people. Another event I came across is called “Pride in the Park Chicago,” which will undoubtedly consist of degeneracy beyond our comprehension.

Once again, children are encouraged to attend.

Another example is in Colorado, where my parents live. The ski towns have always been some of the most leftist and progressive areas that I have ever seen. They constantly have pride flags on the streets, most businesses have some kind of indication of their devotion to the LGBTQ cause, and advertisements for pride parades are plastered everywhere.

A particularly shocking example is scheduled to take place tomorrow in Summit County, where they will hold an all-day pride festival. There will be a bouncy house, tie-dye booth, and face painting, so we already know what demographic they’re appealing to, but the craziest thing here is that local community leaders, namely a sheriff and some business owners, will dress in drag and “engage in performances and contests with the crowd.”

I have no idea how they got these men (if you can even call them that) to humiliate themselves by cross-dressing, but apparently, the pressure to not only allow but participate in this insanity is too much to resist.

I have seen advertisements for all-ages drag shows and an abundance of pride parades throughout the state as well, but once again, it would be futile to try and list them all.

It has been encouraging to see how parents and other people of conscience are beginning to stand up to woke corporations, and that some companies are finally taking the threat of boycotts seriously.

Strides have been made to fight against all this nonsense, but government institutions will be the most difficult to stop by far. With leftist extremists deeply embedded in government, it seems nearly impossible to get them out.

As the LGBTQ lobby becomes more brazen, there is a real chance to win the culture, but the government represents an almost impenetrable monolith, with very deep pockets.

We have a lot of work ahead of us, starting with raising awareness and guarding the hearts and minds of innocent kids.