Meritless Rape, Incest, and Viability Exceptions
Written by James M. Odom
There has been a lot of talk recently, notably by President Donald Trump but by several other prominent “conservatives,” about including exceptions for rape, incest, and viability in anti-abortion legislation. [1]
The purpose of such legislation though is not political popularity, but fundamental human liberty – securing certain unalienable rights of all mankind, determined and given by Our Creator – the most important, and perhaps only true duty of American government.
Prohibiting abortion is actually returning the fundamental human right to life (and ultimately liberty, the pursuit of happiness, speech, press, etc., etc.) and equal protection of the laws, which has for the past 50 plus years been unlawfully taken from millions by a majority of tyrants.
This isn’t simply a public policy preference! This is a moral issue.
Rape and incest exceptions are evil, are despotic, anti-liberty, unconstitutional, refusing to secure the lives of mankind already alive, but yet to be born.
It is a self-evident truth that the right to life of every human being is unalienable, originates with Our Creator, and therefore MUST BE SECURED by the government of the United States, as well as the individual States under the Republican Form of Government.
This applies to all human beings in the United States, big or small, born or unborn, not just those who are big enough to matter.
Continuing to selectively fail to secure human rights to a few is political cowardice!
Securing the equal protection of the laws against being killed (the God-given unalienable right to life) of every person, even if they are too small to matter, within the United States is worth doing, whether it’s easy or not, Mr. President.
Donald Trump usually has more backbone and willingness to stand on principle:
“Remember this. Nothing worth doing ever, ever, ever came easy. Following your convictions means you must be willing to face criticism from those who lack the same courage to do what is right. Relish the opportunity to be an outsider. Embrace that label. Being an outsider is fine. Embrace the label because it’s the outsiders who change the world and make a real and lasting difference. The more that a broken system tells you that you are wrong, the more certain you should be that you must keep pushing ahead. You must keep pushing forward. Never, ever give up. There’ll be times in your life you want to quit. You’ll want to go home. I can’t do it. I can’t do it. Just never quit. You will build a future where we have the courage to chase our dreams, no matter what the cynics and the doubters have to say. You will have the confidence to speak the hopes in your heart, and to express the love that stirs your souls, and you will have the faith to replace a broken establishment with a government that serves and protects, the people. They’re not coming after me. They’re coming after you. I’m just standing in their way, and I always will stand in their way.” [Emphasis added.]
I say this to President Trump, to all Republicans, and all who would run for any public office (all of which take an oath to uphold the U.S. Constitution): If you will not fully support returning the right to life to those humans conceived by rape, incest, (Should we allow ourselves to kill those conceived by sexual assault and already born because they are a nuisance?) or alive for fewer than 15 weeks, they and our Nation are destined to doom, and you are destined for severe judgment by Our Creator.
Don’t become Mike Pence, Mr. President! Don’t be one of the majority of tyrants! Stand in their way!
Government cannot lawfully say, “we now declare it legal to kill other human beings.” In the American Republic, government has an affirmative duty to protect the lives of all people.
As if it weren’t enough that we must guarantee liberty to every human being, there are even more critical arguments against such exceptions.
Such exceptions seriously endanger the liberty of every person, by allowing the government to pick and choose whose rights it will secure.
If government can choose one group of human beings or another, and permit them to be killed, they can choose another, making us no better than the murderous communist governments of history in Germany, China (currently) or Russia.
Rape and incest exceptions are the door that was used to begin to introduce the idea of legalized abortion in 1967 (notably, after centuries of public prohibition of abortion; by English Common law which continued to be the law of America, and then by legislation beginning 1821, culminating in prohibition in all states by the late 1880). [2] [3]
Six years later, Roe v. Wade added the gestational age exception (“viability”), and by the way, Roe was explicitly a conspiracy to legalize all forms of abortion.
So, exceptions for rape + incest + gestational age = Roe v. Wade – a few weeks.
Under these exceptions, elective abortion (i.e., killing human beings before birth) is legal for the first 15 weeks, basically.
That’s kind of a big step back from Dobbs’ return of the States’ right to prohibit abortion.
Taking what you can get requires “taking,” that is, gaining ground.
There shouldn’t be an exception to securing the rights of mankind within the United States because of gestational age (i.e., these people are too small, so it’s alright to terminate their lives).
In the United States, the default must be to err on the side of going too far to protect fundamental rights (remember for example, the concept of ‘innocent until proven guilty’ – which often sacrifices punishment and prevention of crime?)
The purpose of exceptions is to mislead the public to believe that the taking of the rights of the youngest Americans for one reason or another is morally acceptable.
By this we also continue teaching Americans that their rights aren’t definite, that government is the giver of their rights, and that the rights of some human beings who are a nuisance to the rest of society may be extinguished by that same government.
Under this concept these particular humans do not matter, and their rights therefore do not deserve protection. This is a lie, a travesty of justice, and the dereliction by our representatives of their most important duty.
In this statement, President Trump is giving up on the equal protection of the rights of Americans who are too small to matter. Have the guts to stand on principle, to be an outsider, to protect every American. “Always stand in their way,” for those people who are too small to matter!
To make the point more poignantly, let’s recast President Trump’s recent inspirational address to be consistent with his recent statements regarding abortion “exceptions”:
“…the faith to replace a broken establishment with a government that serves and protects, most of the people [sounds like a democracy to me]. They’re not coming after me. They’re coming after you. I’m just standing in their way, and I always will stand in their way, unless you’ve only been alive for less than sixteen weeks, or you’re the product of sexual assault, then because of what someone else has suffered, your life doesn’t matter. [emphasis added.]”
President Trump, and all of the other politicians and political influencers out there, should know that a super-majority of sexually assaulted women have disagreed (by giving birth) that it would help their suffering to add to it the killing of their unborn child! Don’t follow those “who lack the same courage to do what is right!” You are believing and adopting a lie. [4]
Just like all other leftist arguments to justify failed, socialist, evil, political ideology, there is also no good reasoning to justify these exceptions. They have no legitimate reason, so the left offers the most emotional arguments they can manufacture.
There is no need, political or otherwise, to hide behind gestational age, rape or incest.
These are intellectual softballs that should be driven out of the park, and for Christians it is a duty to do so, and a great shame to Our Savior to do otherwise.
It isn’t our representatives’ duty to follow the opinion of a majority of the public on issues, but to stand on principle to secure their rights, even if they don’t understand they’re being taken!
Who won’t matter tomorrow? Yesterday it was blacks. Today it’s the unborn.
Tomorrow, will it be you?
[1] “I think if you don’t have the three exceptions, it’s almost impossible in most parts of the country to win. If you don’t have three exceptions—I said to a very nice man running for governor of Pennsylvania, ‘If you don’t have the three exceptions, you can’t win.’ Same thing with Tudor. She didn’t have the three exceptions. I say this to the Republican Party: If you don’t have the three exceptions, because you know the Democrats are radical and they’ll kill the baby at nine months or they’ll kill the baby after the baby is born. Okay? That’s more radical. But, you know a 15 or 16 week period of time, but you have to have the three exceptions. If you don’t have the three exceptions, you’re destined to doom.” – President Donald Trump
[2] https://oll.libertyfund.org/page/blackstone-on-the-absolute-rights-of-individuals-1753
[3] https://www.abort73.com/abortion_facts/us_abortion_history/
[4] https://www.liveaction.org/news/studies-pregnant-rape-choose-life/