Wanted: Good People for School Boards
Written by Kathy Valente and David E. Smith
Have you seen those videos on social media or news programs of moms or dads standing up at a school board meeting, pleading with school officials to put an end to the sexually-explicit materials invading classrooms and libraries? Or parents boldly speaking out in support of fairness in girls’ sports and their daughter’s privacy? And the community members who are alarmed by the racism is being taught through CRT lessons?
We commend these moms and dads for their willingness to stand firm and to speak out against this assault on our children, and while these skirmishes and battles are difficult, there are great opportunities for change ahead on behalf of our children and communities.
There are too few school board members voting against the policy and curricular decisions of “progressive” teachers and administrators who use the classroom to disseminate their social, moral, and political views. How does this happen? Teachers’ unions recruit school board members who are like-minded, go-along folks who will rubber stamp all the decisions that liberal teachers and administrators want. Because so few people take the time to vote or research candidates, the unions’ hand-picked candidates get elected.
Right now, Sangamon County Republicans are looking to find candidates to run for school board. Dianne Barghouti Hardwick, the Sangamon County Republican Chairman wants to help! She can be reached at 217-528-6267 or info@sangamonrepublicans.com.
The election day isn’t until April 4th, but signatures are being collected now.
It’s relatively easy to get on the ballot with at least 50 signatures from qualified voters who live within the district boundaries.
Paperwork must be filed between December 12 – 19 at:
Sangamon County Election Office
(Room 105 of the Sangamon County Building)
200 S. Ninth Street, Springfield.
Hours: M-F 8:00am – 4:30pm
Note: December 19, 2022 hours will be from 8:00am – 5:00pm
The following forms are what you would need to run in Springfield School District #186 (Districts 1 – 7) and North Mac CUSD #34 (Districts 1, 3, 4, 6 and 7):
Non-Partisan Statement of Candidacy
Statement of Economic Interest to be filed with the County Clerk.
If you have any questions, visit the Candidate Election Information page for the Sangamon County Clerk or call them at 217-753-8683.
Together, we will not stop fighting for what is right – no matter the obstacles in our path.