Judicial Candidate Info! Voter Guides Dwindling!
Written by Kathy Valente
We get many calls during an election cycle for information on judges. In the past, we were able to offer very little other than ratings given by the Lesbian and Gay Bar Association of Chicago (LAGBAC). This year, we are pleased to report we have more information than in any previous year.
Click HERE to view the judicial candidates endorsement list.
The list includes only candidates where we have something to report. So it’s likely there will be judges on your ballot that we don’t list. But those on the list have been rated by Illinois Right to Life as Pro-Life, recommended by the LAGBAC, or endorsed by Illinois Family Action, Planned Parenthood, Personal PAC, or LGBTQ Victory Fund.
In addition, 6 judicial candidates returned our candidate questionnaire. You can click on their names to view their responses.
Mike McHaney for 4th Circuit
Ken Hogan for 9th Circuit
Bill Stiehl for 20th Circuit
Paul Evans for 20th Circuit
James Odom for 24th Circuit (write-in candidate)
Mark Curran for Illinois Supreme Court 2nd District
The November 8th election is only 34 days away and the print version of the IFI Voter Guide is in great demand. You can still get them in a quantity of your choosing, but don’t delay! They’re going fast! We have them in Spanish also!
Order these voter guides in any number that you can use. Bring them to church. They are legal for churches to distribute according to IRS guidelines. Pass them out to neighbors, family, and friends.
Take ACTION: CLICK HERE to place your order for the printed IFI Voter Guide to distribute to your church, civic group, neighbors and family. We have them in Spanish also! But you will have to specify that you want the Spanish version and how many. We’ll send those from the office.
We are praying that many understand the opportunity we have to help educate others on the issues of the day. We are praying that many will respond to help mobilize like-minded Christian voters in Illinois. We need to be good stewards of God’s gift of self-government. The activated Church, being salt and light, is the key to seeing good people elected to office.
If you sense God leading you to do this, or if you have been looking for some way to make a difference in the public square but didn’t know how you might get involved, please do not ignore this important and timely moment in history!