Let’s Flip The General Assembly!
Written by Kathy Valente
Below is a sample of what someone in Illinois’ 15th State Senate district recently distributed in her neighborhood – a custom-made half-sheet flier specific to her area. She said that many of the people she spoke with had previously voted for the Democrats IFA highlighted in the flier. She said they were SHOCKED to find out that the state lawmakers they previously supported voted AGAINST common-sense values. So shocked that they declared they would now vote against their incumbent state representative and state senator!
The response to the half-page flier was so positive, the lady has requested 600 more! Plus her neighbor received one and asked for 200 to distribute!
Perhaps you would like to distribute similar custom-made fliers in your neighborhood. If so, please email feedback@ifiaction.org. This will have to be done soon because early voting is already underway. Please include your name and address so we can look up your districts. Let us know if you will print and cut them yourself, and we’ll email you the PDF.
If you would like for us to print and mail them to you, please include the number of fliers you would be able to distribute, along with your name and address.
NOTE: Having us do the printing and cutting will take a bit longer for you to receive the fliers. But we’re happy to do so. Donations to help us with the costs of this project are appreciated.