IFA 2022 Guide to Judicial Candidates
We know how difficult it is to vote for judges. Chances are you have not even heard of these candidates for the bench. There is just not enough information available.
Illinois Family Action has complied what information we could find on a few judges to help you carry out your duty as a citizen. The majority of these are running in Cook County. We are happy to provide the following 2022 Election Watch for Judicial candidates.
Please click HERE for a downloadable version of this guide to judicial candidates.
**Please take special note of the 2 groups that have rated these judges — one is decidedly anti-family and pro-LGBTQ.
Every vote will count in this tight election — and every legislative, executive, and judicial position matters. Help make the difference in the public policies we will live under for years to come. The Primary Election will be held Tuesday, June 28 2022.
PLEASE forward this information to your family and friends, especially those who live in Cook County.
David E. Smith
Executive Director
Illinois Family Action
P.S. Other important links related to this upcoming election: