James Marter Earns IFA’s Pro-Family Endorsement
Dear Friends and Neighbors,
The Primary Election is underway! As you may know, early voting began on May 19th. Registered voters can cast a ballot at their township offices as well as at their county clerk’s office.
We want to remind you how important it is to exercise your civic duty and VOTE – and be good stewards of God’s gift of self-government! We the people have the responsibility of selecting honest, wise and God-fearing people to represent us in Springfield and in Washington D.C.
If you will be out of town or are disabled, you should consider the “vote by mail” option. In fact, we urge you to consider voting early to make sure that your ballot isn’t cast by those who want to steal the election. Upon request, your local county clerk will send any qualified registered voter a ballot by mail. (See enclosed list for contact information.)
As the state’s only full time Christian pro-life/pro-family organization, we are proud to endorse the following candidates running for office:
For the past several months, IFA staff and board members have been researching the candidates running for state and federal offices in order to make endorsements and/or recommendations to our valued subscribers. Through this process, we hope to determine who among the candidates fear God, have a good reputation, love truth, and will govern honestly and righteously (Exodus 18:21; Proverbs 29:2; Acts 6:30).
Our endorsements are based on the top-tier issues that matter to pro-life, pro-family voters. We have mailed every contender running in Illinois, reviewed voter guide surveys, evaluated web sites and social media platforms, examined voting records, assembled public statements, and interviewed many candidates in person.
The Race for Governor — The IFA Board of Directors and staff have observed Darren Bailey’s political beginning in Springfield as he triumphed over a weak-kneed incumbent for a seat in the Illinois House in 2018, and later won an open Illinois Senate seat in 2020.
During his four years in the Illinois General Assembly, Darren Bailey has not once succumbed to peer pressure, insults, or mockery – common tactics of the bipartisan combine. He has been a valiant voice for Life and pro-family issues. Religious liberty, parental rights, and educational choice have no better defender in Illinois than Darren Bailey.
Bailey is a committed Christian who seeks to put Christ before and in, everything he does. He seeks to conserve those good things provided to us by Christ.
Bailey unabashedly believes in the sanctity of human life. He has steadily fought against the egregious, anti-life legislation in both chambers of the Illinois General Assembly, and IFA does not doubt that he will be the best advocate for pre-born human beings that the office of governor of Illinois has ever seen.
During the 2020 COVID lockdowns, current governor J.B. Pritzker took maximum advantage of the crisis and enforced mandates way outside his realm of authority. Darren Bailey did not let him get away with it and filed a lawsuit which freed Illinois of the stay-at-home order.
If you want a bold, commonsense nominee who has an exceptional voting record plus shares our Christian pro-life, pro-family, small government principles, Darren Bailey is the clear choice in the June 28th Republican Primary Election.
Darren Bailey is a champion with a clear track record. Courageous. Bold. Determined. Honest. Trustworthy. Genuine. These words describe Darren Bailey.
The Race for U.S. Senate — Voters in the state of Illinois are embarrassed by the radical left-wing views of our current U.S. Senators. Tammy Duckworth, for example, isn’t merely pro-choice, but she supports public taxes funding abortion. She opposes parental notification, but favors requiring churches and religious groups to cover birth control and abortion insurance.
Duckworth even voted NAY to providing medical care to infants born-alive during an abortion!
Kathy Salvi understands the primacy of the sanctity of human life. The 62-year-old mother of six adult children is the wife of former State Representative Al Salvi (1993-1996), who was the Republican nominee for U.S. Senate in 1996 and Illinois Secretary of State in 1998.
Both Salvis have been outspoken pro-life, pro-family conservatives. Both attended the private Catholic school, Carmel High School in Mundelein, as did their good friend, former U.S. Senator and former presidential candidate Rick Santorum (R-PA).
We have every confidence that if elected, Kathy Salvi will uphold traditional Judeo-Christian values and seek to restrain the spending and scope of Congress. She will work to secure the border, make us energy independent, support local police, and promote education choice.
The Race for U.S. Congress — Voters in the 14th Congressional district have a plethora of candidates seeking the Republican nomination. To be more specific, there are five candidates running in Illinois’ 14th Congressional District during this year’s Primary Election. The winner of this contest will face off against left-wing Congresswoman Lauren Underwood in the General Election in November. This district has been red historically and supported Donald J. Trump in 2016 by a wide margin. Many pundits believe that Underwood’s election in 2018 was made possible by a Trump backlash. Whatever caused the anomaly in the last election, the district is in play in this election, and a pendulum swing is expected by pundits across the board.
Of the five Republican candidates running for this federal office, it is interesting to note that only one didn’t bother to respond to the Illinois Family Institute Voter Guide questionnaire. For Christian conservatives, that is a major red flag. What is he hiding? What doesn’t he want us to know about his political ideology? Why wouldn’t he want pro-life/pro-family voters to have a better understanding of where he stands on the issues near and dear to our hearts?
The other four candidates look fairly conservative, but one stands out in the pack: James Marter. We like the fact that he’s been endorsed by former Congresswoman Michele Bachmann and sitting Congresswoman, House Freedom Caucus Member and IFA-endorsed, Mary Miller. He’s also endorsed by Taxpayer’s United for America and Veterans for America First. Moreover, we love that Marter isn’t afraid to tell voters that he loves America and stands with President Trump’s policies of fighting terrorism, securing the border, improving the economy, lowering things like inflation, energy costs, taxes and unemployment, while supporting our values of life, religious liberty, our ally Israel and more.
James is a known quantity among grassroots conservatives, and an active member of the Illinois Conservative Union. In fact, he is a reliable activist who regularly attends pro-life events like the March for Life Chicago and SpeakOut Illinois. When iGOLD gathers for their annual lobby day in Springfield, James Marter is among the thousands demonstrating for our 2nd Amendment rights. When IFI hosts its annual banquet, James and his wife are usually in attendance. And he has the support of all the local ACT for Americac chapter leaders.
James Marter is the pro-life/pro-family conservative choice for the 14th Congressional District. It is vital that we send a serious conservative to Washington D.C. Congress is not an entry level position.
Visit his website to learn more: Marter4Congress.us or click HERE to watch another short video message from James Marter.
Turning Illinois Red — We are glad to see that there are yet men and women who are wise and courageous, recognizing and standing firm for truth even against bracing political winds. Men and women who demonstrate wisdom and courage in, for example, defending the lives of those unwanted by their own mothers and those whom others have decided are unworthy of life. These candidates deserve our vigorous and vocal support.
That is why we are pleased to endorse these contenders to you.
Please make every effort to cast your ballot on or before June 28th to ensure that the best candidates are nominated. We’ve endorsed Darren Bailey, Kathy Salvi and Jim Marter because we firmly believe that they will selflessly serve the people of Illinois.
It is important to point out that if conservatives fail to vote in any election, we enable the Left to take the reins of government, which means bigger government and less individual freedom. As you know this is a dangerous proposition, as the Left seems to be moving steadily further out on the left-wing of the political spectrum, and now openly embraces socialism, critical race theory and transgender confusion.
We cannot remain silent and/or indifferent in the face of this destructive agenda. Please, pass this information along to your friends and neighbors.
Finally, we need your help! We are asking that everyone who reads this letter commit to praying for the upcoming elections. Pray for God’s mercy on our state and nation. Pray against those ungodly agendas in Washington D.C. and Springfield; may they be completely defeated.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us directly at Feedback@ifiaction.org.
David E. Smith
Illinois Family Action
P.S. For a complete list of endorsements, please visit ifiaction.org/endorsements.