Whole Truth of Womanizing Richard Irvin Revealed by Former General Consultant
Written by John Lopez
On Tuesday (April 5), WTTW, in its segment “Richard Irvin’s Ex-Wife Hired by Development Firm Receiving Millions in Aurora City Incentives: Web of Politically-Connected Companies Involved in $128M Hospital Redevelopment” brought up the bad optics, though legal of Mayor (and now Republican gubernatorial candidate) Richard Irvin’s campaign fund, a charity and a former law partner’s campaign receiving contributions from a large project which won unanimous approval of the Aurora City Council.
While admittedly the arrangement looks bad, WTTW stressed there is no illegality.
The former law partner being brought up was questioned, and it was pointed out Brittany Pedersen is running for the Democratic nomination for Circuit Judge Kane County’s 16th Judicial Circuit, 1st Subcircuit in a contested primary.
What is not generally known by people outside of Kane County is Pedersen is much more to Mayor Irvin, as was pointed out by Kane County-based political consultant and blogger Jeff Ward of Geneva in an article published on September 30, 2020:
“But the [Aurora Mayor Richard] Irvin issue that should truly frost your cookies is his propensity to put former girlfriends in cushy City jobs. That list amounts to four with one making $132,000 a year in an utterly unnecessary position created just for her.
“It gets better, too! In what has to be the worst-kept ‘secret’ in Kane County, Irvin had twins with long-term former girlfriend and attorney, Brittany Pedersen.“— Jeff Ward, “The First Ward Report – It’s time to elect a new Mayor, Aurora”, The First Ward, September 30, 2020
Full vetting with discernment of the 2-term mayor of Aurora long overdue. Irvin served as an at-large alderman on the Aurora City Council for 10 years prior to his mayoral election in 2017. Irvin also ran for mayor unsuccessfully in 2005 losing in the runoff after qualifying from a 5-person field in the nonpartisan primary that year.
Since blogger Jeff Ward knows Kane County politics better than most in part through his 16 years as a reporter and columnist for the old Aurora Beacon-News in its pre-Chicago Tribune days has documented more about Irvin’s record as mayor, it’s time to be the good conservative and appropriately re-use the work Ward researched, and published especially since Ward served as a general consultant for Irvin during the 2017 elections.
Continuing the excerpt cited above from Ward’s September 30, 2020 article opining for a successful challenge to Mayor Irvin in the 2021 elections, that Ward himself predicted in the same article would fail:
“To be fair, Richard is a part of their [illegitimate twins’] lives and he pays a reasonable amount of non-court ordered child support. But guess who’s paying at least a portion of that trios’ insurance bill?
“That’s right! They’re insured through the City which puts the fine citizens of Aurora squarely on the hook.“To be clear, Richard’s love life is none of my or anyone else’s business until and unless he starts using taxpayer money to placate his ever-growing harem.
“Now [fall of 2020] Irvin’s promoting and helping Pedersen run for Kane County judge when her comportment and general track record clearly indicate she shouldn’t judge a third-grade science fair. We need more judges like her opponent, Elizabeth Flood, not fewer of them.”
In addition to taxpayer money, could developer contributions to Pedersen’s judicial campaign expand upon the use of taxpayer dollars?
The election Ward alludes to was for 16th Circuit Judge elected county wide between Republican appointed Circuit Judge Elizabeth Flood and Brittany Pedersen in the fall of 2020, with the following result:
Candidate | Votes | % of Vote |
Elizabeth Flood (R) | 115,330 | 52 |
Brittany Michelle Pedersen (D) | 108,432 | 48 |
Source: Kane County Clerk Official Canvass, November 3, 2020 election
Given the countywide Republican races wipeout (circuit court clerk, auditor incumbents lost; open seats for county board chairman and state’s attorney flipped) in Kane County in 2020, Judge Flood escaped the carnage with a victory of just under 7,000 votes over the mother of Irvin’s illegitimate twins.
So when it comes to “womanizing”, clearly what Irvin did with his involvement with Ms. Pedersen and other women Ward alluded to in his article 2020, the younger Millennials and adult Gen Z readers may not be familiar with what “womanizing” really means. The dictionary defines the term:
“engaging in numerous casual sexual affairs with women”
Irvin running for governor the adjective of that term to be used frequently during the campaign given it’s involved taxpayer funds, per Ward’s research.
Jeff Ward’s latest article “Richard Irvin for Governor? When pigs fly!” about Irvin from February 3 of this year on The First Ward includes a capsule of issues about Irvin including the womanizing along with other information can be viewed here.
John Lopez has written about policy and elections through the McHenry County Blog since 2019. He is now semi-retired, and does freelance work with analytics, as well as political candidates, emphasizing policy as the means to advance the conservative message, by engaging through policy “dog fighting”, applying discernment for winning and advancing God’s Kingdom agenda.
John’s known for getting past the talking points, the narratives, the abstracts, the platitudes and the bromides in order to discuss policy and apply Scripture to overcome unholy divisions in the local community, our state, and nation.
John has been married for over 16 years.