SPOTLIGHT: David J. Shestokas Announces for Illinois Attorney General
Written by Jenna Smith
If you are interested in ensuring election integrity and eliminating voter fraud, you will certainly want to listen to this edition of Spotlight. Joining Monte Larrick on the podcast is David J. Shestokas, a former Cook County State’s Attorney and current Republican candidate for Illinois Attorney General. In his position as counsel for Illinois Conservative Union (ICU), Shestokas is uniquely qualified to address the federal lawsuit ICU has filed against the Illinois State Board of Elections, as well as discuss various violations of the National Voter Registration Act and problems with mail-in balloting. If elected to the office of Illinois Attorney General, Mr. Shestokas promises to follow up on election irregularities and properly enforce voter laws.
After the break, the conversation turns to Democrat efforts to federalize elections, ban voter ID requirements, limit political speech, and restore voting rights to felons and incarcerated criminals. Mr. Shestokas also emphasizes the need for election monitors and explains what concerned citizens can do to facilitate fair and clean elections.
To learn more about David Shestokas and his campaign for IL Attorney General, click here. You can contact him and access additional information through the various social media links that are located on the right sidebar of his webpage.
For more information about election integrity efforts in Illinois, click here.
David Shestokas is also the author of Constitutional Soundbites and Creating the Declaration of Independence. Both books are available in print and Kindle through Amazon.