SPOTLIGHT: Busting Myths, Homeschool Style

Written by Benjamin Smith

Every homeschooler who’s had any home education experience at all has heard the myths about homeschooling. The most familiar ones are cautionary tales about the “unsocialized homeschooler,” the homeschooler who lacks any extra-curricular opportunities, or the “disadvantaged” homeschool student who will never gain admittance to college. Here to permanently put to rest these unfounded myths are David Smith, executive director of IFI and IFA, and Richard Hartian, chairman of the IFA board of directors. Both gentlemen are joined by several of their daughters – Kenna Hartian and Jenna Smith are home school graduates and Eliana Hartian is a homeschool senior.

Kenna, Jenna, and Eliana discuss their homeschool experiences and speak to the distinctives and advantages of home education. As the podcast concludes, the young women share their outlook for the future in a culture that is increasingly hostile to those who hold to a biblical worldview.

To listen to Part 1 of this three part series, please click HERE.

Links from the episode:

Trail Life USA (A Church-Based, Christ-Centered, Boy-Focused mentoring and discipleship journey that speaks to the heart of a boy.)

American Heritage Girls (A great organization dedicated to the mission of building women of integrity through service to God, family, community and country.)

To learn more about homeschooling, visit Home School Legal Defense Association.

Liberty University Online

For information specific to homeschooling in Illinois, click HERE.

Mark you calendar now for IFI’s Fall Banquet! Click here for details.