Voter Resources — **SPECIAL LOCAL EDITIONS**
Written by David E. Smith
Will you help distribute the IFI non-partisan Voter Guides?
The full 16-page version of the IFI 2020 General Election Voter Guide is available for download HERE. You can order them in bulk to distribute in your church or neighborhood. They include positions on several issues from candidates running for President, U.S. Senate, U.S. House of Representatives, plus both chambers of the Illinois General Assembly.
Please check out this Presidential voter guide HERE, and then review the stark differences between Party Platforms in our special publication HERE. (They are also available by request as brochures.) It is a comparison of 6 issues from the Democratic and Republican Platforms, using their own words. These are for educational purposes and are legal for churches to distribute under IRS guidelines. (We also have a Spanish version HERE.)
If you would like to get bulk quantities of the Voter Guide or Party Platform brochure for your church, neighborhood or civic organization, please call IFI to order them at (708) 781-9328 or click HERE to send an email request. Supplies are running low, so don’t delay.
IMPORTANT: Please take a moment to look up your U.S. Congressional, State Senate and State Representative districts HERE prior to using the IFI Voter Guide. Make a note of your district numbers. These 3 numbers are the only ones you will need. The other races are statewide.
Congressional District Breakouts of IFI’s
2020 General Election Voter Guide are now available for download!!
We also offer local Voter Guides for each of Illinois’ 18 Congressional Districts. By printing the two-page local Guide front to back on legal size paper (8.5″ x 14″), you can easily make this a one-page handout. These are non-partisan and completely legal under IRS guidelines for distribution in churches. If you are unable to print them, please call our office (708) 781-9328.
Voter Guide Breakouts:
Who has IFA Endorsed?
In an effort to make it easier for Christian voters, the Illinois Family Action (IFA) board and staff have taken time to examine candidates running for federal and state office and are able to offer you some important guidance in this vital election cycle. Please take a look at our list of endorsed candidates HERE and prayerfully consider supporting them with your vote on or before November 3rd. The IFA endorsed list of candidates are not recommended for church distribution.
What is “The Fair Tax” Amendment?
Voters will be asked to approve the “Fair Tax” Amendment on the November 3rd ballot. It is in fact, a “Tax Hike Amendment”. Illinois State Representative Darren Bailey and IFA recommend that you vote NO to this Constitutional referendum question. Read more HERE. The Illinois Policy Institute provides further guidance HERE and HERE.
How about the Illinois Supreme Court Races?
If you live in central Illinois, please vote NO to retention of Justice Tom Kilbride. Read more HERE. If you live in southern Illinois, please vote for Republican candidate David K. Overstreet. Read more HERE.
Judicial Guide: Cook, Will and DuPage Counties
Special Video Promo for the IFI Voter GuideWill you help distribute voter guides?
Please share this video on your social media platforms!
Support the IFI Voter Guide
We have been distributing the IFI Voter Guide to hundreds of churches, civic groups and tea party organizations. Will you financially support our endeavor to educate Illinois voters and promote family values?