Get Paid to Minimize Voter Fraud in Cook County!
by Kathy Valente
The Coalition to Vote No on the Proposed Tax Hike Amendment is recruiting people to act as poll watchers during early voting and on Election day to minimize vote fraud in the City of Chicago and Cook county. Volunteers will be paid $15 an hour. Anyone that is registered to vote in the State of Illinois is eligible to participate as a poll watcher.
Poll watchers are authorized by law to participate in the election process by observing election activities, not interfering. The poll watchers the Coalition is recruiting will simply sit in a chair in and around a polling location, monitoring the election for fraud. If they observe suspicious activity, they will contact the Legal Team, who will confront the election authorities. The poll watchers will only be there to observe.
There are currently various suburban early voting sites that need poll watchers. Next week, many more will open in the suburbs. On Wednesday, the City of Chicago will open 50 new locations that need coverage throughout the City. The time slots for poll watching are 8 am to 2 pm, and 2 pm to 7:30 pm during the week, and 8:30 am to 1 pm, and 1 pm to 5:30 pm on Saturday and Sundays until the Election. On Election day, there will be literally hundreds of locations.
Most people are taking every available slot at their location, in order to maximize their earning potential through Election day. The hours can be a little long, but they are easy hours. Most poll watchers bring a book, magazines, knitting, or some other diversion, as most hours of the day are spent waiting for voters to arrive.
Here’s the link for anyone interested.
Applicants will complete the little survey of questions about where they want to go and when they are available. They will then complete the W-9 tax form as independent contractors, which will permit the Coalition to pay them.
Remember that the Coalition is also recruiting for locations outside of Chicago and Cook, but those locations pay less. If they want to earn the $15 per hour, they should list that they want to be assigned into Chicago and Cook.
Once that information is completed, they will immediately be contacted to be scheduled at a convenient location. Tell them Kathy Valente sent you.