SPOTLIGHT: No Emergency Exceptions in The Bill of Rights
Written by David E. Smith
On this edition of Spotlight, the four C’s: Constitution, constitutional rights, churches, and coronavirus share center stage. Our podcast leads off with attorney and constitutional scholar David Shestokas. Monte Larrick and David discuss how Governor J.B. Pritzker has overstepped his authority by issuing coronavirus-related executive orders that masquerade as law.
Additionally, they contemplate the Governor’s true motivation, especially as his actions directly target churches, freedom of religion, and the right to peaceably assemble.
Midway through the podcast, Monte and David are joined by Pastor Richard Giovannetti who shares his pastoral perspective on how Illinois’ excessive restrictions are negatively impacting ministry, worship, and fellowship. Pastor Giovannetti and Standing in the Word Ministries are represented by David Shestokas in their legal action to more fully open and once again come together as the local body of Christ. As the podcast ends, Pastor Giovannetti offers suggestions as to how pastors and churches can respond to the pandemic and shutdown, and he also envisions what the Church might look like if individuals and congregations truly become spiritually reinvigorated.
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David Shestokas is an attorney, constitutional scholar, and author of the Constitutional Sound Bites series and Creating the Declaration of Independence (available through Amazon).
Pastor Richard Giovannetti is the senior pastor of Standing in the Word Ministries in Morris, IL and a longtime IFI board member.
If you are interested in taking legal action to open your church for in-person worship, please contact us at (708) 781-9328 and we will help connect you with legal counsel.
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