Will County GOP Board Member Running for Congress
Written by Steve Balich
Will County board member Mike Fricilone, a 65-year-old Homer Glen resident who works as a sales manager for a furniture retailer, recently filed his petitions with the Illinois State Board of Elections as a candidate for the 3rd Congressional District. He will face two other Republicans in the March 17th primary election.
The district is located on the south and southwest side of Chicago and it’s suburbs, including Oak Lawn, Burbank, Summit, Hickory Hills, Palos Hills, Homer Glen, Orland Hills, Lockport and Lemont. According to an article on Wikipedia, this district is one of the 50 smallest districts (geographically) in the United States. The article also points out that the “district has elected Democrats to Congress in 24 of the last 25 elections, and has voted for the Democratic nominee in the last seven presidential races…”
“As a lifelong resident of District 3, I am thrilled to be running for the U. S. House of Representatives.” Fricilone said. “It is a diverse region of our state and I understand the needs and wants of our residents. I will work hard to make sure each person is well-represented and do what is best for our communities.” “I am Pro-Life, Pro-Family, Pro-Constitution as it was written by the Founders.”
Fricilone has served as a Will County Board member since 2012 where he also was the Finance Committee Chair and Vice Chair of the Capital committee. Under his leadership as Will County Finance Committee chair, the County reduced the tax rate for four consecutive years. He also developed the financial plan to build the new Public Safety Complex, County Courthouse and new Health Department building while not raising taxes.
“During my time on the County Board I have always fought to reduce the tax burden on residents and will continue to make that a priority for District 3 citizens,” Fricilone said. “I want to reduce the size of the government and its regulations to foster the growth of small businesses.”
Fricilone’s other priorities include bolstering the growing economy in order to provide more and better paying job opportunities. He wants to strengthen the workforce training opportunities in the district to provide job skills and training for the unemployed and those seeking workforce development opportunities.
He also plans to strategically work on improving sustainability efforts in the district. As an elected official, he believes it is important that any efforts should result in a return on investments both financially and environmentally.
Fricilone has a Polish mother and Italian father who taught him the importance of standing for what is morally correct. Mike understands the importance of our senior citizens, and providing a good education for our youth.
Finally, he will work to make sure veterans are provided for as their sacrifices should not be forgotten.
Fricilone is the son of a tool and die maker and mother who raised six children. He currently lives in Homer Glen with his wife, Barb, of 42 years. They raised three grown children, Amy, Paul and Thomas and their family now includes their son-in-law Duane, daughter-in-law Marina and six grandchildren.
A graduate of Knox College in Galesburg, Fricilone is the executive director of Midwest Office Interiors in Woodridge. He is actively involved in his community serving as the president of the Lockport High School Foundation, Executive Board Member of the Children Advocacy Center, former Vice President of the Order Sons of Italy in America and a member of the finance committee of his church.
Check out Mike’s website for contact information.
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