Fake News Versus Fake Polls
Written by Wayne Allyn Root
Last week, I wrote about why you can’t trust a word the biased, liberal mainstream media tells you about President Donald Trump. They distort, mislead, misrepresent, slander and muddle context.
As their Marxist hero Saul Alinsky taught them in “Rules for Radicals,” the ends justify the means. In other words, anything goes — any lie is excused — to create “fairness, equality and social justice.”
As an example, all we’ve heard for months is how we are either entering a recession or already in one. The mainstream media, now the public relations arm of the Democratic Party, drills into your head a hundred times a day, “Things are getting worse, the Trump economy is sinking, get ready for bad times.”
Is that true? Or is it fake news?
Against all odds, jobless claims fell this past week. The so-called experts were shocked. There was a massive General Motors strike. GM’s suppliers were expected to lay off workers. But they didn’t. The demand for U.S. workers remains high. Everyone who wants a job has a job. Wages are growing. And there are few layoffs. In a tight job market, companies can’t afford to let anyone go.
Then a CNBC headline announced, “2019 is Shaping Up To Be One of the Best Years Ever for Investing.” It reports this could be the first year in history every asset class is up double-digits — stocks, bonds, oil and gold. The S&P 500 is up 22 percent, gold is up 16.1 percent, oil is up 17.8 percent and U.S. Treasury bonds are up 9 percent.
This is what you call the Trump Economic Miracle.
But sadly, I’m here to report you can’t trust any of the polls, either. They are as fake as the news.
Recent Fox News and Gallup polls were used by the liberal mainstream media to prove America has turned against Trump. Both polls were as crooked as a $3 bill.
The Fox News poll did not measure using reliable “likely voters.” It polled only notoriously unreliable “registered voters.” And it overrepresented Democrats by a mile. Forty-eight percent of the respondents were Democrats. But in the real electorate, Democrats make up 31 percent of the voters. That’s a massive double-digit swing in favor of Democrats. That’s as fake as polling gets.
Of course, those fake metrics produced a poll that showed 51 percent of voters support Trump being impeached and removed from office.
Then Gallup produced a poll that showed 52 percent of Americans support Trump’s impeachment and removal from office. But Gallup never asked if respondents were registered to vote. These were 1,526 random people who answered their phones. Gallup also never checked if they were illegal aliens or non-citizens. Many of the respondents answered the questions in Spanish.
But it gets worse. Gallup also weighted the poll in such a way that each Republican who answered was counted as only 85 percent of a respondent, while Democrats who responded were counted as 107 percent.
Now you know why the results came out so skewed against President Trump. Pure fake news. If you poll more Democrats, of course the results will be deadly for Trump.
I have the answer. My new “Root Poll” will poll only Republicans, conservatives, patriots, gun owners and business owners. I’m betting my poll will show 90 percent of the electorate supports Trump. That’s proof that Trump will be reelected, right?
My Root Poll makes about as much sense as the fake news polls you’ve been force-fed by the fake-news media.
Wayne Allyn Root is a CEO, entrepreneur, best-selling author, nationally syndicated talk show host on USA Radio Network and the host of “The Wayne Allyn Root Show” on Newsmax TV nightly at 8 p.m. ET. To find out more about Wayne Allyn Root and read features by other Creators Syndicate writers and cartoonists, visit the Creators Syndicate website at creators.com