Time To Stand Up For Your Values

Written by Jane Carrell

Early bird tickets are available and include a continental breakfast and lunch:

ICU Strategy 2019
Saturday, August 24, 2019
8:00 AM – 4:00 PM
Bolingbrook Golf Club
2001 Rodéo Drive, Bolingbrook, IL 60490

Saturday Conference

Saturday Conference – Student

The Illinois Conservative Union details the day:

…attendees can choose from one of two morning track sessions.

  • Track One is for candidates, potential candidates, and everyone who works with candidates and campaigns.
  • Track Two is for grassroots activists and regular folks who want to know how they can help save our state.

Lunch is also included, along with time to visit the sponsors and exhibitors, build new contacts, network, and catch up with friends.

Throughout the day, sessions will be presented by well-known Illinois Conservative leaders…

Be part of a renewal effort and join your friends and neighbors from around the state as we work together to “help save our state.”

We already have the right message! We just need smart and effective strategy to touch more hearts and minds.

Come seize the day with us and be part of the excitement as Illinoisan conservatives mobilize and throw off the leftist stranglehold on our state!

Jane is a retired grandmother who serves as secretary on the Illinois Conservative Union board. She is past president of Winnebago County Right to Life, and writes on issues of pro-life and election integrity.  She is a graduate of St. Scholastica High School, Chicago, and Loyola University, New Orleans.