SPOTLIGHT: Kavanaugh, Face the Truth, and Saving Innocent Lives

Written by Jenna Liz

During the most recent Face the Truth tour, Monte Larrick had a chance to interview Eric Shceidler, the executive director of the Pro Life Action League.  Their conversation takes place near the intersection of 159th Street and LaGrange road in Orland Park, one of the many places where silent protesters held up posters of the victims of abortion.

During this episode, Monte and Eric cover the importance of showing the graphic and painful pictures of terminated babies to commuters. Eric briefly shared a story of how a woman came up to them and revealed that her daughter had been on her way to abort her second child when she saw the signs and decided to cancel the appointment. “To be able to dissuade one woman from getting a second abortion, simply by showing these pictures, is a tremendous accomplishment,” he said.

Eric went on to say that though they eventually hope to overturn Roe vs. Wade, but in the meantime, if they could save one little life thru these graphic displays of aborted babies it is well worth it.

Monte and Eric went on to discuss the nomination of Brett Kavanaugh to the U.S. Supreme Court, and the chances of getting a fair ruling from him on the issue of life. Eric acknowledged that we have no guarantees of knowing till the confirmation hearings are finished. Due to the volatile political environment in Washington D.C., there is always a chance that a nominee would be “Borked” out of the process.

“That being said,” Eric continued, “We know where he comes from. He’s a devout Catholic, and we know he’s served with the Federalist Society, a group that is renowned for having a constitutionalist view.” Eric repeated that thought we have no guarantees, we have no reason to doubt he’d be an “excellent jurist”.

The two also spoke about the U.S. Supreme Court’s NIFLA vs. Becerra ruling and what it could mean to  a radical Illinois law(SB 1564) that mandates medical professionals violate their consciences by forcing them to refer patients for medical procedures they find morally objectionable such as abortion, sterilization and certain end-of-life care protocols. (Read more HERE.)

Eric and Monte also discuss Governor Rauner’s egregious betrayal in signing legislation expanding taxpayer funding of abortion (HB 40) and the rising abortion rates that we have seen in the last six months.

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