SPOTLIGHT: Abortion is Expanding in Illinois

Written by John Biver

Ann Scheidler, the Executive Vice President of the Pro-Life Action League, joins Monte Larrick to discuss the Sanctity of Life in Illinois.


Since HB 40 (taxpayer funding for abortion) has been enacted,  a new Planned Parenthood has popped up in Flossmoor, with an abortion clinic in the works for Rockford, with rumors of three or four additional abortion mills surfacing throughout the state.

With Republican governor Bruce Rauner signing HB 40 and permitting taxpayer funded abortions, it is expected that the number of abortions will greatly expand in Illinois. “We need to fight that,” Scheidler said. How? “We need to get more involved on all levels.”

We must elect more pro-life legislators, she explained, so it is important to get involved in the primary election which takes place on March 20th. Pro-life voters not only need to get out and vote but encourage all their pro-life friends and family members to do the same.

“We have to change the culture in Illinois — and that is a one on mission for all of us to tackle,” Scheidler explained. “It is an educational process” — we need to talk with friends and family — and sometimes pastors even need to be educated about what is happening in the political and governmental arena.

The expansion of Planned Parenthood in Illinois was also discussed, and how as in Aurora, a giant new building was opened in Flossmoor without many residents knowing it was going to happen.

With taxpayers now paying for abortions, there are expected to be upwards of 12 to 15 thousand more abortions a year. Since qualifying for Medicaid in Illinois is easier than many states, the bill to taxpayers for so many abortions is going to be huge.

Larrick and Scheidler also discussed Jeanne Ives challenge to Bruce Rauner in the Republican primary election. Ives is a committed pro-life candidate, while Bruce Rauner supports the continued killing of the unborn — now with tax dollars available to do so.

“Find out where the candidates stand on life,” Scheidler said, “it is the most important issue.”

Choose Love, Choose Life Conference

SpeakOut Illinois is the state’s premiere pro-life conference. Sponsored by the SpeakOut Illinois Coalition, a group of pro-life and pro-family groups from across the state, this conference will equip you to fight for your values in the coming year. At SpeakOut Illinois 2018 you can learn about the various groups working in our state, meet and collaborate with fellow pro-lifers, and get energized for the coming year.

Breakfast will be served at 9:00 a.m. Register online HERE.