SPLC: The ‘Anti-Hate’ Group That Is a Hate Group
Written by John Biver
It is becoming increasingly difficult for those in positions of responsibility — such as leaders in the U.S. Army, the FBI, or in the dominant media — to ignore the facts about the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC).
Conservative organizations and individuals victimized by the SPLC’s “hate map” have been getting aggressive in getting out the truth. Any media outlet that claims it is unaware of the fact that the SPLC labels anyone they disagree with as a “hate group” is either lying or incredibly uninformed.
The U.S. Army has stopped using the SPLC as a credible source for information, so has the Federal Bureau of Investigation. Recently, a over forty conservative leaders of SPLC-victimized conservative organizations (including IFI’s David Smith) sent out a joint-letter to the media which was big enough news that even Leftist reporters should have gotten the word.
Now Prager University has released an excellent short video laying out the facts. Here is how journalist and author Karl Zinsmeister opens the video which is embedded below:
Shutting down people you don’t agree with is about as un-American as you can get.
Rigorous debate, honest discussion, open exchange of ideas—that’s the American way.
But free thinking and speech are threatened today by a group with a sweet-sounding name that conceals a nefarious purpose. This group is called the Southern Poverty Law Center, or SPLC.
Originally founded as a civil-rights law firm in 1971, the SPLC reinvented itself in the mid-‘80s as a political attack group. Every year now it produces a new list of people and charities it claims are “extremists” and “haters.”
Aided by glowing coverage from the establishment media, the SPLC’s hate list has become a weapon for taking individuals and groups they disagree with and tarring them with ugly associations.
Read more: Prager University
Read more about the SPLC:
The SPLC: An Anti-Christian Hate Group
12 Ways The Southern Poverty Law Center Is A Scam To Profit From Hate-Mongering
When Will The Media Stop Trusting A Hate Group To Label Hate Groups?
SPLC’s Buried Treasure (video)
The SPLC No Longer Serves Its Original Pupose (video)
Anti-Radical-Muslim Activist Group Labeled a ‘Hate Group’ by Southern Poverty Law Center
The SPLC Has $69 Million Parked Overseas
Liberty Counsel Challenges SPLC ‘Hate Group’ Label
SPLC’s Slur Against and Apology-ish to Dr. Ben Carson
The SPLC Owes Me An Apology Too
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