Illinois GOP to Remove “Marriage” Plank in Platform

Written by David E. Smith

Some Illinois Republicans want to stay away from “controversial” issues. They think that removing the traditional marriage plank will somehow help liberal Republicans who are “hurt” by the platform in their swing districts.  First, if they think that they are going to avoid controversy by removing this important plank, they are woefully wrong.  Secondly, the Illinois GOP has its fair share of RINOs elected to office, who are the source of the problem at hand; but clearly demonstrating that liberal Republicans can win with the current state platform.

There is no upside for the Illinois Republican Party to water down the social issues in the platform.  On the contrary, it will only result in a massive fight at the convention and disunity among Republicans. Social conservatives do the lions share of grass roots work in Illinois and watering down the platform will make them less inclined to work hard for candidates running for office. It may even cause some conservatives to abandon some Republican Party candidates in protest. And it will definitely compel more voters to stay home during elections — hurting Republicans at every level on the ballot.

The best option is to leave the platform as it is written and as it was approved just four short years ago. is reporting that the Platform Committee plans to remove these two important sections:

The final meeting of the Platform Committee of the Illinois Republican State Convention will be held at 10 AM on Friday, May 20 in Room 135.

If you are a Delegate, Alternate Delegate, or attending as a guest — please attend this meeting and ask to speak during the public comment period. Voice your opinion about changing the Illinois Republican Platform.

In the wake of the federal takeover of bathrooms and locker rooms, we can ill afford to capitulate Judeo-Christian principles, especially when we know that the institution of marriage was created by God for mankind’s welfare.  No other institution promotes the common good in our society as does marriage — defined as one man, one women raising healthy, productive members of society.  On the contrary, the breakdown of marriage and family leads to a wealth of societal ills, the growth of big government and the nanny state.

The latest report we’ve received has the vote at 9-7 with 5 committee members’ positions unknown. Please contact the members of the Platform Committee below and urge them to stand firm for marriage:

Chair Mike Bigger — remove plank
(309) 238-0113 and

Co-Chair Blair Garber — unknown
(312) 961-1791 and

Co-Chair Brian Colgan — remove plank
(630) 202-5832 and

Dist 1.  Kathy Hilton — remove plank
(815) 919-2772 and

Dist 2.  Kurt Diekelman — remove plank
(708) 877-5500 and

Dist 3.  Brent Woods — unknown
(708) 717-0955 and

Dist 4.  Angel Garcia — remove plank
(312) 375-0979 and

Dist 5.  Cindy Burke — remove plank
(630) 673-3219 and

Dist 6.  Pat Brady — remove plank
(312) 972-7348 and

Dist 7.  Linda Tobensky — unknown
(708) 351-7790 and

Dist 8.  Ryan Higgins — remove plank
(312) 590-6186 and

Dist 9.  Dave Carabotta — keep plank
(312) 217-4255 and

Dist 10.  Marjorie Kubalanza — keep plank
(847) 687-4763 and

Dist 11.  Raquel Mitchell — keep plank
(630) 936-9578 and

Dist 12.  Patti Howard — keep plank
(618) 889-6943 and

Dist 13.  Terri Koyne — keep plank
(217) 851-4789 and

Dist 14.  Burt Minor — unknown
(630) 674-9096 and

Dist 15.  J.C. Kowa — keep plank

Dist 16.  Jan Klaas — keep plank
(815) 621-9497 and

Dist 17.  Elisha French — remove plank
(309) 351-8163 and

Dist 18.  Connie Nord — unknown
(309) 275-0811 and

In addition to asking the committee members to stand firm for marriage, we have some suggestions for the Illinois GOP Platform Committee:

  • Include a plank defending an expansive view of religious liberty, a plank that echoes the language, meaning, and intent of the First Amendment.
  • Add a plank that espouses the view that objective, immutable sex supersedes subjective feelings about sex in all sex-segregated areas in which private, personal activities take place, including but not limited to restrooms, dressing rooms, locker rooms, showers, shelters, and hospital rooms.
  • Oppose any changes that weaken the Republican platform on its unequivocal opposition to abortion, including opposition to abortion in the case of rape, incest, or the “health” of the mother. The product of conception between two humans is a human with a right to continued existence.
  • Oppose any platform changes that would espouse the view that “sexual orientation,” “gender identity,” or “gender expression” should be protected categories in anti-discrimination laws or policies.
  • Oppose any platform changes that would espouse support for the view that sex-segregated facilities in which personal and private actions take place should be open to persons of the opposite sex.
  • Oppose any platform changes that would espouse the view that the term “sex” is inclusive of “gender identity” or “gender expression.”

IFA is the 501c4 political arm of Illinois Family Institute.  Would you please consider a donatation of $15 or more at this time to support our work? Together we can stand up at the Illinois GOP convention and make a difference by stopping those who would further weaken the Republican Party in the Land of Lincoln.

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