Marco Announces Dignity of Life Advisory Board


This morning, the Marco Rubio for President campaign is excited to announce the formation of Marco Rubio’s Dignity of Life Advisory Board. Marco personally and deeply believes that all human life is worthy of the protection of our laws. This is not a political issue for him, it’s a question of basic human rights. As he strives to uphold the fundamental principle that every life has inherent dignity as a unique being created in the Image of God he seeks guidance from experts who are committed to the same.

“The unjust termination of the unborn is the social justice issue of our time,” said Eric Teetsel, Marco Rubio for President’s Director of Faith Outreach. “They cannot defend themselves, it is up to us. Abortion is symptomatic of a culture that devalues all human life. Marco respects the dignity of human life, including the lives of women facing the crisis of unplanned pregnancy, the jobless, mentally ill, disabled, elderly, and all others on the margins of society.”

Marco’s Dignity of Life Advisory Board Members*

Steve Aden, Senior Counsel and Director of Center for Life Alliances, Alliance Defending Freedom

Helen Alvare, Professor of Law, George Mason University; Founder, Women Speak for Themselves

Francis Beckwith, Professor of Philosophy and Church-State Studies, Baylor University

Kristan Hawkins, President, Students for Life

Abby Johnson, Founder, And Then There Were None

Scott Klusendorf, President, Life Training Institute

Albert Mohler, President, The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary

Dr. George O. Wood, General Superintendent, Assemblies of God

Ravi Zacharias, Founder and President, Ravi Zacharias International Ministries

*Institutional affiliations for identification purposes only