Bernie Sanders Says ISIS Exacerbated by Climate Change


Written by Jeffrey Meyer

During an appearance on CBS’s Face the Nation Sunday, Wall Street Journal columnist Peggy Noonan strongly rebuked Bernie Sanders’ claim during Saturday’s Democratic presidential debate that climate change has contributed to the rise of ISIS.

Noonan argued that Sanders’ statement “makes him to many people look slightly daffy like someone who doesn’t understand what the real subject is” because “[t]his is about terrorism. This isn’t about climate change and deserts and people migrating because it’s hot.”

Earlier in the segment, CBS reporter Nancy Cordes, who served as one of the questioners during last night’s Democratic debate, praised Sanders’ “good night” and eagerly touted his stance on income inequality which was “really in his wheelhouse”:

[Y]ou could almost see him chomping at the bit to get past foreign policy and get into the issues where he’s the strongest. Talking about single payer, for example. Talking about a $15 minimum wage which was a really striking debate last night between him saying it should be $15 no matter what, Hillary Clinton saying that could have unintended consequences, I’m more comfortable with $12. But you’re right, clearly more Democrats came down on his side.

While Cordes was quick to praise Sanders’ performance during last night’s debate, Noonan quickly brought the conversation back to reality and how his views on terrorism were out of step with the world:

[W]orking against him was I believe the fact that last night and more strikingly today on your show, Bernie Sanders essentially said a major problem with all of this ISIS stuff and terrorism and what’s going at the west is climate change and global warming which makes him to many people look slightly daffy like someone who doesn’t understand what the real subject is.