Rubio Stumbles on Sexual Orientation — At What Cost?


Written by Michael F. Haverluck

Despite his opposition to legalization of same-sex “marriage,” Republican presidential candidate Marco Rubio took a stand on the LGBT side of the argument Sunday, proclaiming that homosexuality is a biological condition — not a choice.

While being interviewed on CBS’ “Face the Nation,” the Florida senator addressed his stance on the legalization of same-sex marriage, arguing that the issue should not be resolved by the U.S. Supreme Court but by individual states. The topic then swayed to the topic of the supposed “gay” gene … a key argument — although debunked — touted by the LGBTQ community claiming that homosexuality is an inherited condition, rather than a personal choice.

“I … don’t believe that your sexual preferences are a choice for the vast and enormous majority of people,” Rubio expressed. “In fact, the bottom line is, I believe that sexual preference is something people are born with.”

Rubio continued by assuring American voters that he doesn’t take a personal stand against homosexuals marrying one another.

“It’s not that I’m against gay marriage,” Rubio insisted, reminding the audience of his support for state legislatures — not judges — resolving the issue. “I believe the definition of the institution of marriage should be between one man and one woman.”

Even though Rubio avoided taking a hard stand against “gay marriage,” he stressed his conservative position on the subject. “I don’t believe same-sex marriage is a constitutional right,” he reminded viewers.

Appeasing the masses?

Perhaps Rubio’s softened stance on homosexuality reflects the growing sentiment of Americans concerning same-sex marriage.

In 2004, when Massachusetts became the first state to legalize the gay marriage, only 30 percent supported the much-debated unions, compared to nearly double that rate today (59 percent), according to the latest Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll taken last month. It was also reported that Republican support for gay marriage increased from 27 percent two years ago to 40 percent today. The highest support of the controversial unions comes from Democrats and the 18- to 34-year-old age bracket, both registering at 74 percent.

Showing that he personally and morally has no problem with same-sex marriage, Rubio explained that attending such a ceremony wouldn’t be an issue for him.

“If it’s somebody in my life that I care for, of course I would,” Rubio asserted in an interview last week with Fusion. “I’m not going to hurt them simply because I disagree with a choice they’ve made or because I disagree with a decision they’ve made, or whatever it may be.”

Other official and prospective Republican presidential candidates had slightly different takes when it comes to the question as to whether or not they would attend a same-sex wedding.

Prospective GOP candidate Rick Santorum, the former Pennsylvania senator, made no qualms about it that he would not attend the marriage of a same-sex couple. Texas U.S. Senator Ted Cruz skirted the question, responding that he never had to make such a decision. Gov. John Kasich (R-Ohio) stood on the other side of the fence, saying that he and his wife were recently invited to a same-sex marriage and are looking forward to attending.

“I went home and I said to my wife, ‘My friend’s getting married … What do you think? You wanna go?’ She goes, ‘Oh, I’m absolutely going,'” Kasich unabashedly shared, according a Saturday CNN report. “I called him today and said, ‘Hey, just let me know what time it is.’ My friend knows how I feel about the issue, but I’m not here to have a war with him. I care about my friend, and so it’s pretty simple for me.”

Shooting his conservative campaign in the foot?

According to conservative critics and Christian leaders alike, Rubio has self-destructed his presidential campaign with social conservatives by ascribing to the progressive take on homosexual behavior.

Bryan Fischer, host of American Family Radio’s “Focal Point” program, expressed in his OneNewsNow column this week that Rubio has hurt his GOP candidacy by taking the Leftist side of the moral debate, which he contends has already been won by the Right on numerous fronts.

“Sen. Rubio is now the victim of a self-inflicted wound, by saying something that is politically correct but scientifically, medically and genetically wrong,” Fischer argues. “Our public policy on homosexuality should be based on the best in scientific research, and Sen. Rubio’s position isn’t.”

Fischer says Rubio — a practicing Catholic who has delved in Mormonism and regularly attends a Southern Baptist church, as explained in a OneNewsNow report — has not only abandoned science and his biblical roots, but his conservative Christian voter base as well.

“[I]t’s time to send the ‘born that way’ myth to the graveyard of misbegotten ideas, buried in the plot next to the myth that the sun revolves around the earth,” Fischer agues. “Social conservatives need and deserve a candidate who will base his social policy agenda on genetics, science, biology, the best in health research, and on biblical morality. Senator Rubio has failed that test.”

Read more:

Should Christians Attend a “Same-Sex Wedding”?

Cowardice, Courage, and Cakes

This article was originally posted at the website.