Eleven Same-Sex “Marriage” Incumbents Have Pro-Marriage Challengers

Written by David E. Smith

An Associated Press report claiming that the challenge to Illinois House incumbents who voted for marriage redefinition has fizzled is utterly misleading. According to our information, eight of the nine Chicago Democrats challenging Democratic incumbents would have voted no or present on SB 10, the same-sex “marriage” legislation sponsored by homosexual State Representative Greg Harris (D-Chicago).

This is an astounding fact that should not be lost on readers. Not one, not two, not three, but eight pro-marriage Chicago Democrats are challenging Democratic incumbents in the March 18, 2014 primary election.

Fizzled?  Hardly.

Marriage redefinition didn’t a month ago and still doesn’t have the support that the dominant media wants you to believe it does. It is evident in the fact that Speaker Michael Madigan (D-Chicago) had to twist arms to get SB 10 to pass in his chamber and by the fact that a good number of Chicago Democrats are running as pro-marriage Democrats. That, however, is not the narrative the media wants to promote. They choose to frame it as a conservative-cup-half-empty story.

Compound these facts with the fact that all three of the weak-kneed Republicans who voted for SB 10 have primary challengers who are pro-marriage, and it adds up to anything but a “fizzle.”