Grundy County GOP Calls for Pat Brady to Step Down
Written by David E. Smith
Last night (1-09-2013), the Grundy County Republican Central Committee passed a resolution calling for the resignation of Illinois GOP Chairman Pat Brady to step down. Here is the motion that passed:
Be it resolved that the Grundy County Republican Party Central Committee immediately send correspondence to the Illinois Republican State Central Committee calling for the resignation of Patrick Brady as the State Chairman of the Illinois Republican Party and for his replacement by someone who supports the 2012 Platform of the Illinois Republican Party, including its position supporting traditional marriage and the traditional family.
This resolution is in response to the news that Brady was “personally” endorsing the redefinition of marriage and family. During the lame duck session, Brady was reportedly lobbying fellow Republicans in the Illinois State Senate in favor of this anti-family policy. According to an article in the Chicago Sun-Times, Brady said that this radical Leftist policy “…strengthens families and reinforces a key Republican value – that the law should treat all citizens equally.”
This simply demonstrates how woefully uninformed Brady is on how fundamentally important marriage and family are to society. Not only does redefining marriage damage the institution (as demonstrated by Stanley Kurtz in this scholarly article in the Weekly Standard), but it is intellectually dishonest to suggest that standing for traditional marriage is discriminatory — as the Illinois Republican Platform equivocally does.
Every American citizen — regardless of sexual preferences — is free to pursue relationships with any consenting adult of their choice. No one is stopping them. Yes, those who identify as homosexual have the freedom to make lifetime commitments to whomever they wish. They also have the right to marry someone of the opposite sex if they choose. Liberal activists, however, do NOT have the right to redefine the institution of marriage for everyone else. Nor do they have the right to compel the belief that homosexual relationships are equal to the marriage relationship. THEY ARE NOT EQUAL.
Brady faces growing calls for his resignation, at a time when some Illinois Republicans are rethinking the party’s dismal performance in leadership and in election cycles over the past decade. The time is right, the cause is just.
For the record, Illinois Family Action called for Brady’s resignation last week. State Representative David Reis (R-Olney), a pro-family leader from southern Illinois, also issued a press release last week calling for Brady’s resignation, according to an article on Illinois Review. The Illinois Center Right Coalition also recently passed a resolution calling on the Illinois Republican Party’s chairman Pat Brady to resign. And 2012 Platform Committee members David E. Smith, Karen Hayes and John Parrott have also called for Brady to step down.
Feel free to call the Illinois GOP at (217) 525-0011 to demand that this Benedict Arnold be thrown out…