Opportunity to Volunteer with IFA!

Calling all Patriots — we need your help!

Dear Pro-Family Friends,

With 42 days left before Americans go to the polls to elect state and federal officials, we have a rapidly closing window of opportunity to influence local elections.  The last 40 days before an election is a fantastic time to exercise your civic duty and at the same time promote conservative ideals and help elect candidates who share your values.

Contact the IFA office at (708) 781-9371 and we will help you identify a good, family-friendly local campaign in which you can help make phone calls, stuff envelopes, assemble yard signs, distribute literature, march in parades and a variety of other tasks.

This upcoming election in November will be historic in terms of its effect on values that are critical to Illinois families.  The time to act is NOW!

By taking a stand and rolling up your sleeves to get involved, you are not only demonstrating to your children the values and dedication that made this nation great but also providing them with a valuable education and hands-on experience they will fondly remember for years.

Join Illinois Family Action in its effort to educate voters before they cast their votes in November.  Please consider investing a couple of hours a day or even a few hours a week to a local campaign to help bring about positive change in our country’s government and culture.

Thank you in advance for your support.

In His Service,

David E. Smith, Executive Director
Illinois Family Action
(708) 781-9371