IFA Recommended Candidates

The following candidates came very close to receiving IFA’s full endorsement but did not receive that endorsement because of one or two policy positions and/or votes.  Instead, IFA would like to recommend these candidates for your prayerful consideration:

State Senate Candidates by District:

10     Brian G. Doherty

28     John Millner

34     Dave Syverson

43     Cedra Crenshaw

49     William “Sam: McCann

55     Dale Righter

58     David Luechtefeld

State House Candidates by District:

35     Dr. Barbara Bellar

37     Jeffrey L. Junkas

47     Patricia R. Bellock

48     Michael G. Connelly

59     Dan Sugrue

64     Michael Tryon

74     Donald Moffitt

75     Sue Rezin

85     Maripat Oliver

94     Rich Meyers

96     Darlene Senger

101   Adam Brown

106   Keith P. Sommer

107   John Cavaletto

108   David B. Reis

110   Chapin Rose

115   Mike Bost

U.S. Senate:

Mike Labno

U.S. Congressional Candidates by District:

10     Robert Dold

11     Adam Kinzinger

18    Aaron Schock