Posts tagged: Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation

Remembering the Victims of Communism

Written by David E. Smith

What was the most evil regime of the 20th century? Many people instantly picture a crazed Adolf Hitler and his Third Reich rounding up millions of Jewish men, women and children in an attempt to systematically exterminate them. An estimated six million were murdered across German-occupied Europe. That’s truly evil. Yet, if we’re looking at death tallies, consider the human toll inflicted under Communism:

  • Sixty million dead in the Soviet Union under Joseph Stalin.
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Exposing the Fraud of Socialism

Written by David Limbaugh

People seem shocked that recent polls show millennials are enamored of socialism — an economic system that reasonable and educated Americans have long known is disastrous. They shouldn’t be; this has been a long time coming.

The latest survey by Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation shows that 70 percent of millennials are likely to vote socialist. Adding insult to injury, only 57 percent believe the Declaration of Independence “better guarantees freedom and equality” over “The Communist Manifesto.”… Continue Reading