Written by Dr. Everett Piper
Headlines from the week’s news that belong in the “We told you so” category are too numerous to count. The file drawer titled “Ideas have consequences” is overflowing. Consider these examples:
Adidas launches a summer marketing campaign showing a male model wearing one of the company’s new women’s swimsuits. The ad features a man with visible chest hair who is intentionally photographed in profile to draw attention to his unmistakable “male bulge.”… Continue Reading
Written by Dr. Everett Piper
Summer is over. School has started. Students from coast to coast have returned to their college campuses, and the nation waits with bated breath as to what will happen next.
Will the self-absorbed snowflake insanity persist? Will you continue to hear cries of “you offended me” and “trigger warnings” in the halls of the academy? Will the demands for “safe spaces” continue to trump the study of science? Will the fixation on “micro-aggressions” continue to be more important than teaching morality?… Continue Reading
Tags: American University, Berkeley, Emory University, John Carroll, Michigan State, Santa Clara, Southern Illinois University, Star Parker, University of California-San Diego, University of Missouri, University of Northern Colorado, University of Northwestern-St. Paul, University of Wyoming, Virginia Tech, Wake Forest, Yale
Education | David E. Smith |
September 14, 2019 4:00 AM |
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