Posts tagged: Robert Marshall

Leftist Democratic Party Governor Candidates Debate How to Speed Up Illinois’ Demise

Written by John Biver

It is not easy to decide which is worse: watching the Illinois Democratic Party candidates for governor debate, be interviewed individually, or slogging through their fantasy-filled TV ads or campaign websites.

Generally speaking, those vying for the top job in Illinois on the Democratic side agree that —

  • our state doesn’t currently raise enough in taxes,
  • K-16 schools and health care are underfunded,
  • recreational marijuana legalization won’t be a problem but a positive,
  • more money for early childhood education is needed,
  • free college tuition isn’t an insane notion,
  • state taxpayers should contribute more so state employees can continue to enjoy an above average retirement income and health care benefits,
  • the federal government should be ignored when it comes to immigration law,
  • and rich white men are bad.
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