Posts tagged: Planned Parenthood

Planned Parenthood Raising Money for Big Push in Fall Elections


Written by Randall K. O’Bannon, Ph.D., NRL Director of Education & Research

Faced with clinic closings and legislative defeats, Planned Parenthood’s political arm (Planned Parenthood Action Fund) is in the process of spending $16 million in this fall’s races. To gin up contributions, Planned Parenthood President Cecile Richards has sent out a fiery but fact-challenged appeal fundraising letter to would-be supporters.

This massive political involvement may come as somewhat of a surprise to those who imagine Planned Parenthood to be just a  “women’s health care provider,”  the image PPFA so carefully cultivates.… Continue Reading

New Planned Parenthood Video Promotes Obama Re-Election

Planned Parenthood Action Fund (PPAF) leaders are “clearly concerned,” said Douglas R. Scott, Jr., president of the Planned Parenthood watchdog organization Life Decisions International (LDI). “They understand that the most pro-abortion president in American history may lose to Mitt Romney–a candidate who has pledged to eliminate taxpayer funding for Planned Parenthood.” Scott called PPAF’s latest ad/video release is a “last-minute attempt to convince pro-abortion voters to go to the polls tomorrow.” The new production is called, “Yes We Plan.”… Continue Reading