Posts tagged: Income Tax Increase

Rauner was For a State Income Tax Increase Before He was Against It

Written by John Biver

In this age of fake news it is problematic to cite big media reports as source material. Nevertheless, when State Representative Dave McSweeney says that Governor Bruce Rauner supported a tax increase if it was part of a “grand bargain,” then there is a good chance many of the links below are more factual than not.

Rep. McSweeney has been the most outspoken critic of Rauner of anyone in the General Assembly, and he didn’t wait for others to go public with their criticism — he led the way.… Continue Reading

Madigan’s Bipartisan Deception vs. Taxpayers

Written by David E. Smith

As you know by now, over the Independence Day weekend, the Illinois General Assembly passed a massive tax hike for families and businesses. When Governor Bruce Rauner vetoed the proposal, the Illinois Senate and House quickly overrode his veto. What does that mean for taxpayers? Well, the personal income tax rate has now increased by 32 percent, surging from 3.75 percent to 4.95 percent, and the corporate rate has jumped from 5.25 percent to 7 percent.… Continue Reading