Posts tagged: HB 217

More Rauner Hypocrisy Revealed

Written by David E. Smith

This past weekend, incumbent Governor Bruce Rauner appeared on the Flannery Fired Up political program on Chicago’s local Fox32 station (WFLD). During this thirty-minute weekly program, political reporter Mike Flannery went one-on-one with Rauner, covering a number of state issues.

What caught my attention and got me fired up was their discussion about the structural imbalance of the Illinois state budget. In their exchange, Rauner had the audacity to complain that healthcare costs for state employees are “out of control,” rightly saying that it healthcare is “broken.”… Continue Reading

Chris Nybo Illustrates Why Americans Distrust Lawmakers

Nybo interview

Written by Laurie Higgins

There are many reasons for the disapproval and even contempt Americans have for their elected representatives. These include lawmakers’ penchant for corruption and collusion in the service of their self-interests, chief of which may be their undying devotion to perpetual re-election.

Another reason for the subterranean reputation of many of our lawmakers is their commitment to dissembling. In a recent Facebook fit of pique over a short article written by IFI Executive Director David Smith that summarized State Senator Chris Nybo’s (R-24th*) distinctly unconservative votes, Nybo rebuked Smith for failing to publicly acknowledge that he, Nybo, had “refused to support” SB 1564.… Continue Reading