Posts tagged: Election Judge

Help Prevent Voter Fraud: Serve as Election Judge or Poll Watcher

Written by John Biver

Even though the primary election isn’t until March 20, 2018, it isn’t too early to begin considering serving as an Election Judge or a Poll Watcher. Both positions, created by state statute, play an important role in insuring that our elections are conducted according to law.

Since Illinois is a state famous for registered voters residing in cemeteries who vote for Democratic Party candidates, preventing voter fraud is one of the most important tasks for the Judges and Poll Watcher.… Continue Reading

Serving As An Election Judge: A One Day Commitment To Honest Voting

IFA_We Need You_Election Judge


Written by John Biver

Last time I listed a number of links on the topic of voter fraud, and if you haven’t yet, I would encourage you to read the articles and watch the videos. While it may sound trite — it is nevertheless true — a lot is at stake on Election Day. These days, the policies chosen by those we elect — even at the local level — can involve many millions and at times billions of dollars.… Continue Reading