Posts tagged: Dr Bill Warner

SPOTLIGHT: A Civilizational War

Written by Benjamin Smith

This week’s podcast episode spotlights an eye-opening breakout session on Islam from AM 560’s Freedom Summit (November 2017). Dr. Bill Warner and Usama Dakdok discuss the errant label “Radical Islam,” They also explain why Mohammed was the greatest warrior ever and how we (as a Western Civilization) can win a civilizational war with Islam.

The second half of the podcast features an informative question and answer period in which the distinguished speakers expound on audience questions regarding sharia (Islamic Law) and the American Left, sharia’s growing influence in America, Islamic rape gangs in European countries and their legality under sharia, sharia finance, the future of Europe: can it be saved or is it too far gone, the imperative to boldly and publicly stand against sharia, the consequences for a Muslim convert to Christianity, the myth of moderate Muslims, the difference between belief and submission in Islam, how to engage with Muslim candidates for public office, and the normalization of Islam in our government schools.… Continue Reading

“A Civilizational War” (Illinois Family Spotlight #123)

Today’s episode spotlights a forum about Islam at AM 560’s Freedom Summit last November. Dr. Bill Warner and Usama Dakdok discuss the errant label Radical Islam, why Mohammed was the greatest warrior ever, and why we (as a Western Civilization) can win a civilizational war with Islam.

The second half features the question and answer period where the distinguished speakers conversed with the audience on sharia (Islamic Law) and the American Left, sharia’s growing influence in America, Islamic rape gangs in European countries and it’s legality under sharia, sharia finance, why it is imperative to get out and demonstrate, is Europe too far gone, what happens to a Muslim convert, why there is no such thing as a moderate Muslim, the difference between believing and submission in Islam, how to engage Muslim candidates, and Islam in our government schools.… Continue Reading