Posts tagged: detransitioning

A Nation of Misogynists: Feminists’ Gains Lost in The Blink of an Eye

Written by Dr. Everett Piper

Over the past several weeks, as the average American watched in stunned silence as the world burned, the lead story that seemed to have entirely escaped the attention of the mainstream media is our culture’s near-universal degradation of women and their rights. Consider the following headlines:

NCAA championship swimmer Riley Gaines is assaulted at San Francisco State University. She is punched multiple times by a man wearing a dress. Why?… Continue Reading

SPOTLIGHT: A Christlike Response to Sexual Anarchy

Written by David E. Smith

Welcome to a special edition of Illinois Family Spotlight featuring IFI’s Cultural Analyst and self-described “accidental activist,” Laurie Higgins. In an address given at Grace Fellowship Church in the western suburbs, Laurie talks about what she feels is the most significant revolution in history – the Trans Revolution. She delineates the distinctions of biological sex, gender, gender identity, and cis-gender.

Laurie also discusses gender dysphoria, social contagion, desistance, detransitioning, and the controversial use of puberty blockers.… Continue Reading