Posts tagged: Dennis Bryne

Primary 2018 and the Ives Campaign Post-Mortem Only Begins

Written by John Biver

Following every election cycle the analysis of the data is an Olympian event. Some of the opinions are gold medal worthy, a lot of the rest are, for the sake of those pontificating, luckily forgotten.

The only constant from one election cycle to the next is that political consultants, many of them shady to say the least, profit handsomely win or lose.

At Illinois Family Action, our look at the results of the March 20th primary have only begun.… Continue Reading

U.S. Supreme Court’s Possible Challenge to Illinois House Speaker Michael Madigan

Written by John Biver

The above headline is from an informative short post by Dennis Bryne over at the “Barbershop.” The topic is “gerrymandering,” the now 200-year-old fight over how legislative district lines are drawn.

Every ten years it’s big news here in Illinois — and, of course — around the country. Following each U.S. census, legislative districts are reapportioned and district lines are redrawn.

Whichever party happens to be in power has the chance to create districts that favor their own candidates.… Continue Reading