Posts tagged: Day of Silence

California Public High School Bans MAGA Hats

Written by Laurie Higgins

A spokesperson for the Clovis Unified School District in Fresno, California recently rationalized the decision of Clovis North High School to prohibit students from wearing MAGA hats to school, implying that the hats would be “distracting.” Translated: The school fears obnoxious leftist high school students will respond obnoxiously to the presence of peers wearing MAGA hats.

Everyone knows that conservative kids are far less likely to respond obnoxiously to, for example, Obama paraphernalia, therefore, such paraphernalia would not be a distraction, and, therefore, it would not be prohibited.… Continue Reading

State Rep. Lou Lang’s Foolish Chief of Staff Bert Brooke

Written by Laurie Higgins

Americans, including conservatives, have become desensitized to the reprobate nature of our polity. Our leaders are depraved and the policies and laws they seek to effect reflect their corruption and foolishness. A perfect example of such corruption oozes out of the office of State Representative Lou Lang (D-Skokie). As a co-sponsor of HB 40 that just went down in flames, Lang stands boldly and unashamedly in favor of forcing taxpayers to pay for the killing of human persons in the womb.… Continue Reading

“Day of Silence” at School? Stay Home


If Your Local School Allows ‘Day of Silence,’ Keep Your Child Home

Written by Buddy Smith

On Friday, April 15, high schools (and many middle schools) across the country will be observing the LGBT movement’s annual “Day of Silence.”

During this all-day event, student activists and even school officials encourage students to be silent for the entire day as a sign of solidarity with the international LGBT movement. Students are encouraged to wear special pro-homosexual badges, stickers, and bracelets – which are often handed out at the school entrances that day.… Continue Reading