Posts tagged: CPAC

Mark Robinson on God, Government & Conservative Action

Written by David E. Smith

I’ve seen a couple of video clips of Lieutenant Governor Mark Robinson (R-NC) in the past few years, and every time I have found myself cheering, applauding and occasionally shouting “amen!”

He is now the Republican nominee for Governor in North Carolina in what promises to be a tight election. What a blessing it would be to see a bold Christian conservative like him elected as chief executive of that state!… Continue Reading

Poll: Foreign Policy Is Rand Paul’s Biggest Vulnerability in S.C., Iowa


Written by Alana Goodman

U.S. Senator Rand Paul’s (R-KY) greatest vulnerabilities in the early GOP primaries are his positions on Iran and Israel, according to a private poll commissioned by a group called the Foundation for a Secure and Prosperous America.

The Republican PAC, which launched a $1 million ad campaign highlighting Paul’s foreign policy positions this week, conducted the polls of likely Iowa and South Carolina GOP primary voters in February.

While respondents were surveyed on a number of Paul’s potential weaknesses, including his association with conspiracy-minded radio host Alex Jones and opposition to mandatory minimum prison sentences, the polls indicate that Paul’s comments on Iranian nuclear weapons and aid to Israel are his biggest liability with Republicans.… Continue Reading

Is Rand Paul More Liberal Than Obama on Foreign Policy?


Written by Samuel Smith

As U.S. Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) officially became the second Republican to formally announce his candidacy for the 2016 presidential election on Tuesday, the 52-year-old obstetrician is already being attacked by conservatives as being “to the left of Obama” when it comes to his foreign policy and openness to negotiating with Iran.

Although Paul was victorious in the 2014 Conservative Political Action Conference presidential straw poll in February, some prominent conservatives and even a conservative political action group have wasted no time in jumping on the presidential candidate over his stance on foreign policy issues.… Continue Reading

Ben Carson: Homeschool, School Choice Benefit All Americans, Common Core Doesn’t


Written by Michael Gryboski

Author and accomplished surgeon Dr. Ben Carson has expressed his support for homeschooling and school choice and opposition to Common Core at a conservative conference in Maryland.

At the main stage of the annual Conservative Political Action Conference at National Harbor, just outside Washington, D.C., Dr. Carson told those gathered on Thursday morning that “I am ready for school choice.”

Carson argued that “school choice,” or allowing parents to homeschool their children or send their children to private schools with government aid, was a benefit for all Americans.… Continue Reading