Posts tagged: Christy Setzer

“Progressives” Suddenly “Woke” to Sexual Harassment!

Written by Laurie Higgins

Youngish Democratic Strategist Christy Setzer, apparently so profoundly ignorant of history, believes that the country has just now become “woke” to the seriousness of the offense of sexual harassment.

During an appearance on “Tucker Carlson TonightWednesday night when asked by Carlson about the dismissive or hostile responses of liberal politicians and their media sycophants to women who accused miscreant Bill Clinton of sexual misconduct, Setzer revealed either her ignorance or her deceitfulness or both:

I think when you look back at what happened 25 years ago with the hindsight that we have now, particularly with the national, collective moment that we’re having where women are coming out of the woodwork to finally be able to tell their stories of being sexually harassed, sexually assaulted, being even raped, we’d see [Clinton’s] story and his behavior toward women a lot differently than we did at the time.

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