Posts tagged: Christian nationalism

A Media Obsessed With Screaming “Christian Nationalism” is a Far Greater Than Any Threat Posed by Christian Nationalism

Written by Peter Heck

The over-politicization of our culture has ruined so much. Among plenty of other things, our language has been one of the greatest casualties of our 24-hour “news” culture, our obsession over ideological purity and political scandal. Words don’t mean what they used to mean anymore.

People who aren’t bigots are called bigots because it’s easier to call names than make arguments.

Things that aren’t racism are deemed racist because shaming is easier than logically engaging.… Continue Reading

Making Bogeymen of Christian Nationalism

Written by Bill Donohue, President, Catholic League

The Left is very good at making up bogeymen, and one of their favorites is Christian nationalism. The latest iteration of this madness is an article in the Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion; a subsequent analysis of it was recently published in As a sociologist, I am particularly interested in this issue: sociologists are the ones most responsible for promoting the fiction that America is threatened by Christian nationalists.… Continue Reading