The Illinois Family Spotlight podcast will highlight a specific cultural or political issue of which our listeners should be aware. Our discussions will be informed by a biblical worldview that will help expose the lies and distortions promulgated within secular culture. We will be interviewing policy experts and scholars whose knowledge and insights will help listeners form a wiser worldview.
In this episode, Voddie Baucham discusses the importance of acknowledging that the devil is indeed prowling about like a roaring lion, seeking whom it may devour. Monte Larrick caught 20 minutes with evangelist Dr. Voddie Baucham back in March at the Black Conservative Summit. Throughout the episode, the two cover the blessing of good Christian education, the silence of the American church, how to reach the African American community and how to prepare for the 2024 elections.… Continue Reading
| Benjamin D. Smith | June 6, 2023 11:17 AM | Comments Off on The Worldview of Our Age: A Conversation with Voddie Bacham (Illinois Family Spotlight #357)
In this edition of Illinois Family Spotlight, Monte Larrick interviews Kirk Smith, executive director of the Illinois Christian Home Educators (ICHE). Over the weekend of May 20th, ICHE hosted their annual homeschool conference at Olivet Nazarene University where families were not only encouraged to educate their children academically, but educate them spiritually. When asked about the difference between public school and home school, Smith replied that children in government education are being taught anti-Christian morals.
In this episode, Monte Larrick converses with Peter Breen, head of the Thomas More Society’s Legal Team in service of its Life, Family, and Religious Liberty missions. Breen is actively following the threat Illinois pregnancy care centers are facing, and discusses what exactly they’re facing with SB 1909
To find out more, listen to today’s episode!
The Crisis of Crisis Pregnancy Centers (Illinois Family Spotlight #355)
Pastor Leflore and David Smith sit down with one of Chicago’s finest pastors in this episode. Pastor Charles Moodie is head of Chicago City Life Center, right in the middle of the Englewood neighborhood. His church is building a crisis pregnancy center, and you can find out more by going to their website.
Building the Kingdom in Chicago (Illinois Family Spotlight #352)
In this episode, we feature remarks from attorney Ann O’Connor with the National Institute for Family and Life Advocates (NIFLA). O’Connor recently presented this lecture at Speakout Illinois’ 2023 pro-life conference, and called attention to legislation that is targeting crisis pregnancy centers with the goal being to shut them down. O’Connor is the Vice President of legal affairs at NIFLA, and is a champion of 1st Amendment rights.
This is the second segment in David Smith’s conversation with Eric Hovind and Helmut Welke. This conversation spans faux fossils, training your children to ask the right questions, and why a young earth perspective is crucial to a Biblical worldview.
When asked why the question of young earth/old earth is still being debated in American churches, Eric Hovind captured the problem in one sentence: “Pastors are taking a book that has never been proven wrong and compromising it with a theory that has never been proven right.”… Continue Reading
In this episode of Spotlight, David Smith co-hosts with Self Evident’s Jenna Smith to converse with two spectacular guests about the importance of Scripture and the necessity of knowing Someone Who knows everything.
President and Founder of Pensacola-based organization, Creation Today, Eric’s passion to reach people with the life-changing message of the Gospel has driven him to speak in five foreign countries and all fifty states. He lives in Pensacola, Florida with his wife Tanya and three children and remains excited about the tremendous opportunity to lead an apologetics ministry in the war against evolution and humanism.… Continue Reading
This special episode of Spotlight has one of IFI’s favorite people: Stephanie Trussell!
Stephanie is a mom, grandmother, entrepreneur, board member for the Illinois Family Institute & Good Soil, Good Seed, and former candidate for Illinois Lieutenant Governor. Monte, David and Stephanie recap the November 8th election, the campaign trail that led up to it, and Stephanie regales mostly humorous anecdotes that occurred to her while traveling the state of Illinois.
One of the questions that comes up in this episode is how can Illinois Republican voter turnout improve.… Continue Reading