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The Illinois Family Spotlight podcast will highlight a specific cultural or political issue of which our listeners should be aware. Our discussions will be informed by a biblical worldview that will help expose the lies and distortions promulgated within secular culture. We will be interviewing policy experts and scholars whose knowledge and insights will help listeners form a wiser worldview.


Category: Spotlight

Shestokas for AG! Pt. 2 (Illinois Family Spotlight#277)

Welcome to part two of Monte Larrick’s conversation with David Shestokas, attorney and Republican candidate for Illinois Attorney General. In this Spotlight, the discussion turns to Governor Pritzker’s abuse of his emergency powers and executive orders – a deliberate overreach that has been enabled by the legislature’s abdication of their authority, as well as the failure of Kwame Raoul (the current Attorney General) to protect the public interests of the citizens of Illinois and to enforce the law set forth in the Illinois Emergency Management Agency Act.… Continue Reading

A Voice of Truth: Pastor Courtney Lewis (Illinois Family Spotlight #276)

This week on Spotlight, Pastor Ceasar LeFlore, field director for IFI’s Public School Exit Initiative and resident chaplain, interviews Courtney Lewis, pastor of Cornerstone Baptist Church, located in the Woodlawn neighborhood of Chicago.

Pastor Lewis recounts the stand his church took against the pandemic shutdowns initiated by Mayor Lightfoot and he shares how the Lord called him to open Cornerstone Christian Academy to rescue his children and the children in his church from government-run schools.… Continue Reading

Shestokas for AG! (Illinois Family Institute #275)

If you are interested in ensuring election integrity and eliminating voter fraud, you will certainly want to listen to this edition of Spotlight. Joining Monte Larrick on the podcast is David J. Shestokas, a former Cook County State’s Attorney and current Republican candidate for Illinois Attorney General. In his position as counsel for Illinois Conservative Union (ICU), Shestokas is uniquely qualified to address the federal lawsuit ICU has filed against the Illinois State Board of Elections, as well as discuss various violations of the National Voter Registration Act and problems with mail-in balloting.… Continue Reading

Parental Notice, Right of Conscience, and Maps (Illinois Family Spotlight #274)

In this exclusive episode, Monte Larrick has a discussion with Illinois candidate for governor, Darren Bailey. Bailey gives an insider’s look at what the Illinois legislature is up to with three very important issues currently circulating in the state capitol: the Parental notice of abortion, the right of conscience act, and the redistricting of the maps.

Parental Notice, Right of Conscience, and Maps (Illinois Family Spotlight #274)
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Saving Babies, A Conversation With Ann Scheidler (Illinois Family Spotlight #273)

Saving Babies, A Conversation With Ann Scheidler (Illinois Family Spotlight #273)
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Freedom Initiative: We The People (Illinois Family Spotlight #272)

In this exclusive edition of Spotlight, IFI’s David Smith converses with Nick Richmond, the founder and leader of Freedom Initiative. Freedom Initiative’s mission is to “amplify concerns, educate and instill fundamental values in our growing community of parents, business owners, medical professionals and more.” Learn more about how you can become involved in your own neighborhood by visiting

Freedom Initiative: We The People (Illinois Family Spotlight #272)
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A Conversation With Stephen Black (Illinois Family Spotlight #271)

Stephen Black is the Executive Director of First Stone Ministries, This interview was conducted at the National religious Broadcasters Convention in Dallas, Texas. First Stone’s mission is

“Leading people In the Body of Christ to freedom from homosexuality and sexual brokenness* through a relationship with Jesus Christ as Lord; to reach out to churches, schools, organizations, and the general public by providing education, biblical discipleship, support and AIDS ministry.”

Monte Larrick and Black discuss the dangers of the Equality Act and what it’ll do to education, higher learning, healthcare and anything connected to the government.… Continue Reading

A Conversation Outside of Planned Parenthood (Illinois Family Spotlight #270)

Ever since the Texas heartbeat law has gone into effect, abortion cheerleaders have been mad. Scratch that, they have been furious. Actually that is a much too sedated term, let me try again: Leftists are as animated as a cat that has had its whiskers pulled, been dunked in a lake, then set before the jowls of a pack of eager Rottweilers. In the U.S. Capitol, these seething statesmen have introduced legislation that will, in their cruelly ironic words, “protect the reproductive rights of women.”… Continue Reading

40 Days For Life (Illinois Family Spotlight #269)

The staff and boards of directors of IFI and IFA want to encourage Christians everywhere to prayerfully consider taking part in the peaceful campaign known as 40 Days for Life. It is an important pro-life effort to save lives and share truth. By partnering with 40 Days for Life we can live out Ephesians 6:13-18: “your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace…. Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit.”… Continue Reading

Visionary Family: A Conversation With Rob Reinow (Illinois Family Spotlight #268)

This episode of Spotlight is a conference interview with Dr. Rob Reinow, founder of Visionary Family Ministries. IFI’s Monte Larrick and Dr. Reinow discuss the definition of a family dedicated to building the kingdom of Christ, prodigal children, the dangers of communism and the importance of Christians voting in every local, state, and national election.


To see more from Dr. Reinow, visit

Visionary Family: A Conversation With Rob Reinow (Illinois Family Spotlight #268)
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