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The Illinois Family Spotlight podcast will highlight a specific cultural or political issue of which our listeners should be aware. Our discussions will be informed by a biblical worldview that will help expose the lies and distortions promulgated within secular culture. We will be interviewing policy experts and scholars whose knowledge and insights will help listeners form a wiser worldview.


Category: Spotlight

Sanity as Insurrection (Illinois Family Spotlight #337)

This is a throwback episode, where we present a lecture that is still relevant today as it was when it was given–if not more so. Pastor Douglas Wilson of Christ Church in Moscow, Idaho, spoke at IFI’s 2019 worldview conference regarding trans ideology and the Christian. You can watch this talk here.

Sanity as Insurrection is the title of the final session of the 2019 Illinois Family Institute Worldview Conference on the “trans” ideology. In this presentation, Pastor Doug Wilson stressed the importance of asking sane questions, ones that strike at the heart of the matter, when we engage in debate with our adversaries because “deliberate and premeditated sanity is a challenge to the powers that be.”… Continue Reading

Science Instead of God (Illinois Family Spotlight #336)

In this segment of Spotlight, we’re highlighting remarks made at IFI’s Medical Freedom Forum held earlier this year at Jubilee Bible Church. Doctors Mark Zumhagen and Simon Gold pointed out the wrong occurring in their respective fields and answered questions from the audience.

Science Instead of God (Illinois Family Spotlight #336)
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Capital Nativity & Hope (Illinois Family Spotlight #335)

In this episode, Monte Larrick is at Illinois’ state capital, at the annual Christmas nativity reveal. Delbra Pratt speaks on the importance of the display in this dark corner of Illinois, and what it means.

Capital Nativity & Hope (Illinois Family Spotlight #335)
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Waterleaf Women’s Center (Illinois Family Spotlight #334)

Monte Larrick interviews Julie Garafalo, executive director of Waterleaf.

Waterleaf is slightly different than your average women’s center in that they provide professional and medical help. An especially important service Waterleaf offers is early pregnancy screenings. That screening includes a medical grade pregnancy test and ultrasound, which helps the patient determine whether she is truly pregnant, and if so, how far along and how healthy the baby is. This gives the mother the facts she needs to make a fully informed decision.Continue Reading

Free Haven: A Forest School (Illinois Family Spotlight #333)

“. . .fill the earth and subdue it. Rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky and over every living creature that moves on the ground.” ~Genesis 1:28

Rachel Mikottis is a homeschooled wonder of a woman who believes that nature is the best classroom in the world. She joins IFI’s David Smith and Self Evident’s Jenna Smith for a conversation about her forest school: Free Haven.

Rachel, in her words, was a free range homeschooler.… Continue Reading

The Religion of Wokism (Illinois Family Spotlight #332)

In this edition of Spotlight, we feature a timely message from IFI’s 2022 Worldview Conference. “The Religion of Wokism” is a lecture given by Dr. Everett Piper.


The Religion of Wokism (Illinois Family Spotlight #332)
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The Radiance Foundation (Illinois Family Spotlight #331)

In this Episode, we highlight remarks made by Ryan Bomberger, the founder of the Radiance Foundation.

The Radiance Foundation (Illinois Family Spotlight #331)
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Advocating For Life (Illinois Family Spotlight #330)

Monte Larrick interviews Eric Schiedler, executive director of the Pro-Life Action League regarding expanding abortion laws and what pro life activists can do.

Advocating For Life (Illinois Family Spotlight #330)
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A Special Episode (Illinois Family Spotlight #329)

In this edition of Spotlight, we have remarks from IFI’s David Smith at the 2021 Faith, Family and Freedom banquet. We Also have Dr. Lutzer’s Q&A segment from the same event.

A Special Episode (Illinois Family Spotlight #329)
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Murray for IL Senate (Illinois Family Spotlight #328)

Kathleen Murray was born and raised in Lombard, and that has given her the perspective of the people Kathleen wishes to represent. She has lived and worked all over the US as well as internationally during her time in college. In 2001 she purchased her childhood family home, with the intent to raise her children in the same home and the same city she grew up in.

In this episode, Monte Larrick and Murray discuss what is facing Illinois, why she is running and why people should vote red come November 8th.… Continue Reading