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The Illinois Family Spotlight podcast will highlight a specific cultural or political issue of which our listeners should be aware. Our discussions will be informed by a biblical worldview that will help expose the lies and distortions promulgated within secular culture. We will be interviewing policy experts and scholars whose knowledge and insights will help listeners form a wiser worldview.


Category: Spotlight

40 Days for Life (Illinois Family Spotlight #347)

40 Days for Life is a vital part of the pro-life movement. The intercession they make to God on behalf of those stumbling to the slaughter, the silent witness to passersby, and the love they show by merely standing outside of an abortion clinic can make the difference of a mother in crisis pregnancy choosing life. What with our lawmakers turning Illinois into a sanctuary state for abortion and now taking steps to ban crisis pregnancy centers, prayer warriors are needed now more than ever before.… Continue Reading

The Conservative Summit in Illinois (Illinois Family Spotlight #346)

“Every Republican who lives in Illinois who really want to see the strength of the party grow need to be at the Black Conservative Summit. . .” ~Bishop Ceasar Leflore

Dr. Eric Wallace is the leader of the Freedom Journal InstituteĀ  and is hosting an event on the weekend of March 25th that you do not want to miss.

The Black Conservative Summit is occurring March 24-25 at the Tinley Park Convention Center. The reason it is the Black Conservative Summit is because the conservative movement must reach beyond its base to the African American community if it is ever to regain its former influence.… Continue Reading

They Don’t Want Women to Hear This (Illinois Family Spotlight #345)

Earlier this month, Monte Larrick attended the Pro-Life Action League’s protest against Walgreens and CVS pharmacies contemplating the sale of abortifacients, and talked with Eric Scheidler about this potential product. Eric Scheidler is the executive director of the Pro-Life Action League, and believes this is a move on the part of the corporations to prove they’re woke.

“We know that American corporations are becoming more and more woke. . .acting at the behest of the Democratic party and the progressive movement.

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Good Soil, Good Seed (Illinois Family Spotlight #344)

In this episode of Spotlight, David & guest host Jenna converse with IFI partner Tom Burrows. Burrows is the field director of the Good Soil Good Seed Foundation (, and the three of them list reasons why you should ensure that your children and grandchildren are receiving a Biblical education.

Good Soil, Good Seed (Illinois Family Spotlight #344)
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Illinois General Assembly Legislative Updates (Illinois Family Spotlight #343)

In this edition of Spotlight, David E. Smith discusses the upcoming bills with IFI’s lobbyist David Curtain. In the second half, Jennifer Korte opines on school board scandals and Biden’s summary of the state of our nation.

Illinois General Assembly Legislative Updates (Illinois Family Spotlight #343)
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Library Boards & Conservative Candidates (Illinois Family Spotlight #342)

In this episode of IFS, Monte Larrick converses with Anthony Catella, a candidate for the St. Charles library board. The two discuss theology, the military, and why t’s important to run for your local office.

Library Boards & Conservative Candidates (Illinois Family Spotlight #342)
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Assisted Death Coming to Illinois (Illinois Family Spotlight #341)

Nancy Valko is a registered nurse, legal consultant and a spokesperson for the National Association of Pro-Life Nurses. Monte Larrick had the opportunity to speak with her at a Lake County Right To Life forum, where she keynoted and spoke on the dangers of saying nothing when it comes to medically assisted suicide.

“The problem is, if doctors themselves don’t take a position on the most important issue they have–the most important covenant they have with their patients, which is they will not kill them–what else is open?”

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Born to Proclaim The Gospel (Illinois Family Spotlight #340)

In this edition of Spotlight, IFI’s David Smith and Public School Exit’s Ceasar Leflore converse with the one and only Juan Elias-Riesco, former owner of the famous Nini’s Deli (which you can learn about through the documentary Paint the Wall Black) and a blazing torch for the kingdom of Christ.

Elias-Riesco’s testimony of how he became a Christian is anything but boring. Growing up on the streets of Chicago, he quickly became hardened to shoplifting and spiraled into a sinful lifestyle that had him in prison and rejecting God’s design for sexuality.… Continue Reading

Addictions & the Illinois Legislature (Illinois Family Spotlight #339)

Monte Larrick is joined by Shane Hartman, the executive director of the Illinois Church Action on Alcohol and Addiction Problems (ILCAAAP). Springfield has made slaves of so many Illinois citizens, through the legalization of recreational marijuana and betting on anything. ILCAAAP is working to combat the evil coming out of our legislature through educating Illinois youth about the dangers of drugs, gambling and liquor.

“The main thing is to let the kids know you care.” Hartman stated when asked what is the most persuasive argument to reach kids in our age of social media.… Continue Reading

Into the Lions’ Den (Illinois Family Spotlight #338)

In this episode, David Curtain explains his job as IFI’s lobbyist in Springfield, the bills that are threatening to family values, and how we can be active in our state capitol from every part of the state.

Into the Lions' Den (Illinois Family Spotlight #338)
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