“If you want to seek wisdom, you need to seek the Lord. . . so go read your bibles.” ~Kenna Rose
SB 2872 was signed into law on August 2nd. It requires public schools to teach children “relaxation activities to enhance the mental and physical health of students” at least once a week. These techniques include, but are not limited to, mindful-based movements, yoga, breathing, meditation, and guided relaxation and may take place in social-emotional learning classes.… Continue Reading
“We (Christians) have a very positive message in addressing all the cutting edge issues–from abortion to homosexuality to transgenderism–all of them involve, in some way, the body. And as Christianity today that has a much higher view of the body than any other religon or philosophy. [That] gives us the opportunity to have a very positive approach when we’re talking to our friends and family members on these issues.” ~Nancy Pearcy
Self Evident is delighted to share our conversation with the one and only Nancy Pearcy.… Continue Reading
“True Biblical Masculinity can hold both. . .know when to apply gentleness and kindness and when to apply force and aggression in a way that helps other people.” ~ Kent Evans
Kent Evans is the co-founder of Manhood Journey, a ministry that helps dads become disciple makers. After a 20 year career as a business leader, he embarked on biblical fatherhood ministry projects. He joins Kenna Rose and Alyssa in this episode to elaborate what makes a Biblically masculine man, the import of knowing Scripture, and how children can encourage their fathers.… Continue Reading
This episode contains the stories of three remarkable humans in their own words and with their own opinions. In this episode, Kenna Rose asks Maia, Camille, and Nick about how they detransitioned, the connection between your physical and mental health, the very real damage a social transition causes, the devestation of the toxic war against masculinity, where the harmful idea of transitioning genders medically originated, and much more.
Self Evident
The Sweet Poison of Lies: A Roundtable Discussion With Detransitioners (SE #73)
“Young people are trying to live out a worldview that does not match their true nature, and it is tearing them apart with its pain and heartache.” ~Nancy Pearcey, Love Thy Body
Today, Jenna hears the stories of Maia Poet, Ritchie Herron & Camille Kiefel. This thoughtful threesome expound on the lies they accepted about themselves and the world around them, and share how they lived as the opposite sex until the truth was too hard to ignore.… Continue Reading
We’re delighted to share with you the testimony of Paul Scott, radio host of The Good Word program and manager of the WPEO radio station. We are on air every Friday morning with him at 7am, and you can tune in by clicking here.
Self Evident
Turning The Tables: Self Evident Interviews Paul Scott (SE #71)
“Medical care should be objective, but this is completely ideologically compromised.” ~Camille Kiefel
An increasing number of women and men are moving forward after spending significant time identifying as “transgender.” Name and pronoun changes, cross-sex hormones, and surgeries have had a profound effect on their lives.
While the label of “detransitioner” is commonly used to describe them, the term is a misnomer: there is no way to reverse time or the impacts of these psychologically, socially, and physically life-changing experiences.”… Continue Reading
“The Bible is probably the very best book to read–just read over and over again. . .I do believe that the Bible is a book that reads you and so it can offer you insights into how to live a happier life.” ~Sam Sorbo
Self Evident is delighted to present our interview with Sam Sorbo, an author, producer, tv show host–the list is endless. She graced our podcast back in April to discuss her latest projects, books that shaped her into the force she is today, and what Generation Z should focus on in life.… Continue Reading
This is a very special episode to the hosts of Self Evident. It is a dream come true to finally present our favorite content creator and Titus 2 wonder woman to you all: Rebecca Leland is a jacqueline of all trades–from audio engineering to singing, to leading young adult ministries to working in theatrical productions–if we list everything she is involved in, this description would go on endlessly. She is a dear friend of ours, and has supported our endeavors since day one.… Continue Reading