In this edition of Self Evident, Alyssa digs into what is happening to child illegal immagrants once they make it across our border.
For further research and discussion on this, we highly encourage a listen to Illinois Family Action’s podcast “Spotlight.” They recently addressed this issue with intelligence analyst, U.S. Air Force Veteran, and a former chief investigator for the Illinois Legislative Investigating Commission Thomas Hampson on episode 396, titled “323,000 Children Missing?”.
In this episode, Jenna & Alyssa converse with Jeremy Chong, a member of the Jim Elliot Fellowship. This courageous group of evangelists prosecuted the city of Chicago for kicking them out when they were sharing the Gospel in Millenium Park, and in this episode we hear his story and practical tips for sharing Christ.
Self Evident
Suing the City & Sharing the Gospel | Guest: Jeremy Chong (SE #85)
In this episode, Alyssa Sonnenburg breaks down the Washington Stand article condemning the 41 million Christians who won’t show up to vote in the coning 2024 election. Bringing up the story of Daniel, his friends, and what the 29th chapter of Jeremiah says, Alyssa gives Christians 3 reasons why it is our duty to exercise our civic responsibilities.
Our call as Christians is the same: obedience. . .have we ever known what tomorrow will bring? Do we ever know what the future holds? No! God holds the future. He is soverign over all.
In this episode, Alyssa breaks down the LA Times shameful article about why we should not have children.
In this exciting episode of Self Evident, Alyssa Sonnenburg sits down with @AllieBethStuckey from Relatable to discuss toxic empathy, the election, culture, dating and marriage.
In this edition of Self Evident, co-host Alyssa Sonnenburg debunks the myth of Christian Nationalism, why Christian Leaders should not have signed the “Confession of Evangelical Conviction”, and how Kamala Harris has the most anti-life values in this election cycle.
The Truthful Therapist joins Self Evident and discusess the troubling aspects of what happens when families are navigating gender dysphoria, the physical, mental and emotional stunting that hormone blockers cause, and the immenent dangers of conforming to the pronoun game.
We are delighted to share with you all a discussion Alyssa and Jenna recently had on the fascinating topic of emotions in pre-born humans. For safety reasons, we will be referring to our guest by a pseudonym.
Dr. J is a retired research physicist and scientist who has done extensive work in the field of biotic encoding. He has worked with NASA, was an inetgral part of the Apollo 11 program, and has received high awards and honors about his research and work.… Continue Reading