“The Transing of Public Schools” (Illinois Family Spotlight #251)

On this edition of Spotlight, Laurie Higgins joins Jim Schneider, host of VCY America’s CrossTalk program, for a lively discussion of the ubiquitous indoctrination agenda in our nation’s government schools. Laurie’s experience as an educator and, for the past thirteen years, IFI’s cultural affairs writer has given her valuable insight on the small, subtle, incremental steps that have led public schools away from focusing on academic instruction to prioritizing social and sexual indoctrination.

Laurie and Jim discuss trans-cultism and the “transing” of public schools; the distinction between sex, gender, and gender identity; and the heartbreak of “detransitioners.” Among other topics, they also address Critical Race Theory (CRT) and the Equality Act, especially as it relates to the devastation of girls’/women’s sports.

We apologize for the audio quality of this podcast. Although it isn’t up to our standards, we felt the quality of the content was too important to ignore.

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"The Transing of Public Schools" (Illinois Family Spotlight #251)