The Aftermath of Abortion (Spotlight #054)

Monte Larrick recently interviewed Vicki Thorn the keynote speaker at the Lake County Right to Life banquet. Vicki founded Project Rachel in 1984, a ministry of the Catholic Church to post-abortive women. Read more here. Ms. Thorn is also the Executive Director of the National Office of Post-Abortion Reconciliation and Healing.

They discuss the healing process of post-abortive women, Project Rachel, some of the road-blocks to the healing of post-abortive women, the impact of abortion on men, post-abortive women in the church, and are churches doing enough to help post-abortive men and women. They also discuss the biological impact on post-abortive men and women, and HB 40.

Please call Governor Rauner’s office and ask him to veto HB 40! Call (217) 782-0244.


The Aftermath of Abortion (Spotlight #054)